The public transport of the TIB and SFM network will be free for everyone on the occasion of the Day of the Balearic Islands

Mar 1, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

On Friday, March 1st, all intercity bus and train users will travel free of charge and the train service will be reinforced.

The Government celebrates the Balearic Islands holiday with different participatory actions throughout Mallorca and encourages citizens to come to Palma by public transport to enjoy the Balearic Islands Day 2024 fair.

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The public transport of the TIB and SFM network will be free

To make it easier for citizens to get around and move by bus and train more comfortably, the TIB and SFM network will be free on Friday, March 1, not only for people who have the Intermodal Card but also for those who travel with a single ticket, credit card or online ticket.

On the rail network, access to platforms will be free. To travel with the TIB bus, users who travel with an Intermodal Card or credit card must also validate it both onboarding and alighting, but the cost of the trip will not be deducted from the balance of their card.

Reinforcement of SFM service on Friday, March 1

A novelty that had not been carried out until now and that is introduced this year is the reinforcement of the Mallorca Railway Services service scheduled for the afternoon of Friday, March 1. To further facilitate travel on this holiday, eight special trains have been scheduled in addition to the usual holiday service and will run between Palma and Inca in both directions. There will be four services from Palma – Inca, departing at 17.25 h, 18.55 h, 19.55 h and 20.55 h; and from Inca to Palma, four more trains departing at 18.05 h, 19.35 h, 20.35 h and 21.35 h.

Activities of the Ministry of Housing, Territory and Mobility in the fair of the Balearic Islands Day 2024

On March 1, citizens will be able to visit the stand of the Regional Ministry of Housing, Territory and Mobility, where they will find information about the interurban public transport network. In addition, they will be able to play “How to Go” and participate in the draw for a gift.

On the other hand, on Saturday, March 2, all those who still do not have the TIB transport card will be able to obtain it at the information desk that will be at the booth.

In addition, the Cartographic and Geographic Institute of the Balearic Islands has organized an exhibition on cartographic images (1290-1786) and photographs of the years 1956-2023 and the drawing contest “Draw the Balearic Islands”, aimed at children between 6 and 12 years, intending to raise awareness of geographical aspects of our islands. With the same purpose, the Institute has also organized an activity to assemble puzzles for all audiences on Thursday, March 29 from 17 to 18 h in the central tent of the fair.