Inca dedicates the International Orgue Festival to Mn. Bernat Salas i Seguí

Mar 2, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Inca City Council presented today the program for the International Organ Festival, which this year will be dedicated to the composer and organist Mn. Bernat Salas i Seguí. Sales was the organist of the cathedrals of Segòvia, Seville and Palma and is considered one of the most virtuous organists in Mallorca.

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International Orgue Festival

Therefore, the cycle starts on March 5th with a tribute to the organist, coinciding with the 150th anniversary of his birth. Researcher Joan Círia will give a lecture on the figure of Bernat Salas and the Orfeu, and the Harp of Inca will perform the hymn to Santa Maria la Major, a work by Sales.

The first concert of the Festival Internacional d’Orgue d’Inca will take place on March 7th, in the church of Santa Maria la Major. The director of the festival and professor of organ at the Conservatory of Inca, Bartomeu Manresa, will perform accompanied by Samuel Garcia (trumpet) and Cristina Van Roy (soprano).

The protagonist of the second day of the festival will be the virtuoso French organist David Cassan. The organist of the Louvre oratory will also offer a masterclass on improvisation, an area in which he is an international reference.

Ángel Hortas Rodríguez-Pascual, professor of music at the Joaquín Villatoro Conservatory and organist of the Cathedral of Jerez, will be responsible for closing the series on March 21.