Successful participation in the activities organized by the Consell de Mallorca to celebrate the Day of the Balearic Islands

Mar 2, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The insular institution brings together families with visits, parades of giants, traditional dances, popular meals and dramatized routes

The Consell de Mallorca has started the activities organized for the Day of the Balearic Islands with a massive ball de bot show and the meeting of the emblematic giants that preside over the stairs of the Palau (Queen Esclaramunda de Foix, King Jaime II, King Sancho I and King Jaime III).

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Successful participation in the activities organized by the Consell de Mallorca

The mentioned monarchs have joined the group formed by giants, peasants and xeremiers to make a parade that has crossed the square of Cort, the street Colom, the Major Square, street of Sant Miquel, street dels Oms, the Costa de la Sang until arriving at the square of the Hospital. At different points along the route there have been stops for the balladors to make a demonstration of ball de bot.

The president of the Consell, Llorenç Galmés, explained “the honor of celebrating with the Mallorcan people the first Day of the Balearic Islands as a representative”. He also pointed out that the Balearic Islands “is a unique community that has much to offer the world and of which we have to feel deeply proud”: “We are islands separated by the sea, but we are clear that together we are better and stronger,” he added.

Once the parade ended, the Cultural Center of Mercy has also welcomed this festivity with a popular dance and a meal for all attendees. The vice-president and councilor of Culture and Patrimony, Antònia Roca, celebrates that the Palau del Consell and the Misericòrdia are “the neuralgic center of the activities programmed for the celebrations of March 1, and that municipalities like Santanyí and Palma join this meeting of giants”. In addition, he stressed that “the sample of ball de bot d’Aires d’Andratx and the rest of the activities of the Misericòrdia: music, fried Mallorcan, castles for children, and even a climbing wall, allows the Mallorcans come to spend a day with the family.

360 people will visit, today and tomorrow, the offices of the presidency of the institution. On the one hand, throughout the day there have been free guided tours to learn about the premises and on the other hand, all the passes have been filled, both today and tomorrow, of the dramatized routes, Feliços per sempre? of Ovnipresents, which take place in different rooms of the Palau and in which the chaotic wedding of a couple of officials is represented.

In the same way, Raixa has opened its doors to all Mallorcans who have wanted to enjoy visiting it, and those who wish to do so will be able to do so tomorrow from 10.00 am to 3.00 pm.