Spain delivers more than a hundred parachutes to Jordan to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza

Mar 4, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Ministry of Defense has responded immediately to the request for collaboration to help the Gazan population.

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Spain delivers more than a hundred parachutes to Jordan

In this regard, following the request of King Abdullah, and to facilitate the arrival of humanitarian aid to the Strip, a total of 110 cargo parachutes will be delivered.

The Ministry points out that “this shipment of material is part of Spain’s commitment to the civilian population, which is suffering the consequences of the war between Israel and Gaza, after the attack of October 7”, while insisting on “an immediate ceasefire”.

The Hashemite kingdom has already established contacts with various NGOs deployed in Gaza to coordinate the reception and distribution of aid.