The Conselleria d’Educació i Universitats opens tomorrow the deadline to register for the free exams to obtain the titles of technician and higher technician of vocational training

Mar 5, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

\ These tests are specially addressed to all those people who cannot reconcile work and family life with the classroom or virtual training offer.

\ The interested persons must register from March 6 to 18, 2024 in a public educational centre of the Balearic Islands authorized to teach the cycle to which the modules they want to be examined belong.

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The Conselleria d’Educació i Universitats

The Regional Ministry of Education and Universities will open tomorrow, Wednesday, March 6, the deadline to register for the free tests to obtain the titles of technician and higher technician of vocational training, tests that are especially aimed at all those people who cannot reconcile work and family life with the classroom or virtual training offer.

In this sense, people interested in taking the free tests can register from March 6 to 18, 2024 in a public educational centre of the Balearic Islands authorized to teach the cycle to which the modules they want to be examined belong. It is necessary to remember that the higher grade cycles include modules taught in English, so the people who register for the free exams will have to take the exams in English for these modules.

On the other hand, it should be emphasized that the interested parties may take one or more modules of an intermediate or higher vocational training cycle, provided that they do not exceed 660 hours per session, by the duration assigned to each module by the current curriculum of the degree. The free tests consist of a test for each module, although each test can be broken down into different parts.

As for the timetable, the tests will be held between May 2 and May 31, 2024, both included. Each centre has to publish before April 19, 2024, on its bulletin board and on its web page the day, time, place and maximum time to take the test corresponding to each professional module, the material necessary to take it and the evaluation criteria. It must also be indicated if the test has more than one part and if any of the parts is eliminatory, as well as the date of publication of the results of each exam and the time and date of the exam review.

All the information about these tests (documentation to accredit the registration requirements, validations or exemptions of modules, offer of cycles that take the tests, calendar…) can be consulted in the web page of Vocational Training.