Ecological Transition awards 165.5 million to 102 projects to promote the circular economy in companies

Mar 6, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

52% of the projects selected are led by SMEs, which account for 37% of the aid granted.

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Ecological Transition

The Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO) has resolved the call for subsidies, corresponding to the year 2022, for the promotion of the circular economy in the company. Today’s decision is the third and last partial resolution after those published on the Biodiversity Foundation’s website on 23 October and 28 December 2023.

Of the 351 applications received, 102 projects have been selected to receive a total of ¤165.5 million, with grants of between ¤150,000 and ¤10 million per project. The co-financing varies between 15% and 60%, depending on the type of action and the size of the organisation. This is why it is worth highlighting the commitment to circularity of the beneficiary entities, as the total investment directly associated with this hundred or so projects is 415.6 million.

The 102 projects selected are carried out by 115 beneficiary entities (10 of them are carried out by groupings of 23 companies). Of the actions selected, 52% are led by SMEs, although they carry out projects with smaller amounts, absorbing 37% of the aid.

Much more than waste management
As expected and in line with the financial envelope allocated and the existing needs, the category with the highest number of projects is the improvement of waste management (49 projects and €80.3M of aid). However, the actions aimed at reducing the consumption of virgin raw materials show very similar values with 43 projects and €80.6M of aid, which shows the growing role of prevention in the business sector. In this line, it is also noteworthy that among the beneficiaries there are 9 digitalisation projects (€4M) and one R&D eco-design project (€0.4M).

PERTE Circular Economy
This call is part of action line 2 of the PERTE Circular Economy aimed at projects to promote the circular economy in any sector. The aim has been to support projects and actions that substantially contribute to the sustainability and circularity of industrial and business processes, in order to improve the competitiveness and innovation of the industrial fabric within the framework of a circular economy.

This year, this call will be joined by the calls for aid planned for the key sectors of textiles, plastics and capital goods for renewable energies, corresponding to action line 1 of the PERTE, all within Component 12 “Spain’s Industrial Policy 2030” of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.

Green transition is one of the four key pillars identified in Spain’s Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (PRTR), along with digital transformation, social and territorial cohesion and equality. This Plan contains 30 components, including Component 12 “Spain’s Industrial Policy 2030” which includes a series of reforms and investments in the field of the circular economy and waste, highlighting investment C12.I3 “Plan to support the implementation of the Spanish Circular Economy Strategy and waste regulations”. The latter is one of the fundamental instruments for the deployment of the circular economy and for making progress in achieving the European Union’s climate objectives.