The plane with 110 parachutes to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza leaves today for Jordan

Mar 6, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The T-21 Air and Space Army plane with more than one hundred parachutes to take humanitarian aid to Gaza leaves today for Jordan from the Getafe Air Base. This morning the goods that Spain is going to deliver to Jordan in response to the request for collaboration made by King Abdullah were loaded onto the plane.

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The plane with 110 parachutes to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza leaves today for Jordan

The parachutes were loaded onto the humanitarian aid planeThe parachutes were loaded onto the humanitarian aid plane.
The Ministry of Defence has pointed out that the shipment is part of Spain’s commitment to the civilian population, which is suffering the consequences of the war between Israel and Gaza, unleashed after the attack of 7 October, and to which it insists on “an immediate ceasefire”.

The Hashemite kingdom has already established contacts with various NGOs deployed in Gaza to coordinate the reception and distribution of aid through parachuted packages.