Balearic presence in ARCOmadrid through the Institute of Balearic Studies (IEB)

Mar 7, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Isabel Servera’s proposal Perímetro de seguridad, curated by Pilar Cruz, has inaugurated today its own stand in ARCOmadrid 2024, after winning the call created by the Institute of Balearic Studies (IEB) to select a project to participate in this year’s edition. At the opening, accompanying the artist and the curator were the director of the IEB, Llorenç Perelló, and the regional secretary of Culture and Sports, Pedro Vidal.

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Balearic presence in ARCOmadrid

Isabel Servera is a visual artist who has an extensive artistic career, in which she has exhibited in various museums and galleries nationally and internationally. She was recently awarded the II Barbara H. Weil Prize, thanks to which she did an artistic residency in New York. Her work is present in collections such as the Palma City Council, the Vila Casas Foundation, the Banco Sabadell Foundation and the DKV Collection.

Perímetro de seguridad is a site-specific installation based on the artist’s visual research on public works and the use of plastic signage elements to form security perimeters.

The artist delimits and signs with this type of elements the IEB stand to raise awareness among the viewer about the right to use the space, as a reflection on the privileges of access, traffic and occupation that we have according to the community or group to which we belong, either by choice or designation, either by economic or geopolitical issues.

As it is usual in her artistic practice, the artist makes use of craft techniques that have fallen into disuse, using the “baix lliç” tapestry technique for the braiding of the signaling tapes. The use of craftsmanship also constitutes a common thread in the work of Isabel Servera to reflect on the intertwining between the pre-industrial world and that of late capitalism in terms of the notions of organization of labor and economic exploitation of resources.

The IEB participates since 2019 as a cultural institution with its own stand in the cultural spaces section of ARCOmadrid, with the aim of promoting the visibility and internationalization of Balearic artists. The projects presented so far have been: The instant before something happens, with Lara Fluxà, Gabriel Pericàs and Ian Waelder, curated by Allélon; Réplica. Tour de force, by Joan Morey, curated by Jesús Alcaide; Spleen de Teheran. Càmera lúcida, by Núria Marquès, curated by Alexandra Laudo, and Mediterranean Souvenirs: Ofrenes, by Julià Panadès, curated by Àngels Miralda.

The director of the IEB, Llorenç Perelló, says that “this stand of the IEB helps to make artists from the Balearic Islands visible and complements the work of the gallery owners who are traveling to ARCO these days”. For his part, Vidal said that “the government’s stand at ARCO symbolizes the support of the executive to the creators, since it provides them with a window of opportunities to make themselves known”.