The Govern manages in seven months more than half of the aids granted to transform the fleets of road transport of passengers and goods.

Mar 7, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

In seven months, the Government has managed more than half of the aid granted to transform passenger and freight road transport fleets

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The aid granted to transform the fleets of road transport of passengers and goods

The Directorate General of Mobility of the Government of the Balearic Islands has attended this Tuesday a meeting with the Balearic Business Federation of Transport (FEBT) to report on the calls for aid to transform the fleets of passenger and freight road transport and fleet modernization, under the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, funded by the European Union “Next Generation EU”.

The call for fleet transformation grants was launched in March 2022 and the general director of Mobility, Lorena del Valle, has highlighted that “to date, a total of 5.1 million euros have been granted and 56% of those granted (2.8 million) have been managed in the last 7 months”. It is foreseen that in the next few weeks the amount of the call will be increased by 1.1 million, up to 8.3 million euros.

The deadline for applying for this aid for fleet transformation is April 30, 2024.

On the other hand, the general manager has also informed about the call for aid for the modernization of private passenger transport companies providing road transport services and private companies involved in road freight transport, funded by the European Union “Next Generation EU”. The call was launched in April 2023, is endowed with 2.7 million euros and the deadline for submission of applications ends next June 30.

Increase of the de minimis rule

During the meeting, the increase of the maximum limit of the de minimis aid from 200,000 euros to 300,000 euros as from January 1, 2024 and the application criteria were explained to the attendees.

The general director has assured that from the Govern will continue to defend the need for a specific regime of the European Union for the islands by the flexibility in the application of the de minimis Regulation. “It is necessary to compensate the permanent structural disadvantage of insularity, with Ibiza and Menorca suffering double insularity, and Formentera triple insularity”, stressed del Valle.