Inca commemorates International Women’s Day

Mar 9, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

2,500 pupils from Inca’s schools took part in the 8M School March.
CCOO and UGT were in charge, one more year, of the reading of the manifesto.

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The City Council of Inca commemorates, once again, the 8M, International Women’s Day with a special program of activities that have been designed from the Espai de Dones Inca. “As every year, we are back to the 8th of March and from the City Council of Inca we claim the real and effective equality between men and women with a series of events for all audiences. The 8th of March, a day to claim, 365 days to put into practice”, said the councillor for Equality, María del Carmen Oses.

The hanging of the commemorative banner of this date by representatives of all the political forces of the Consistory on the façade of the Town Hall, has served to give the special programming of the events to be held today on the occasion of Women’s Day.

Afterwards, more than 2,500 young people from Inca’s schools took part in a school march from Plaça d’Espanya to the Mateu Cañellas sports centre. There, some 500 students took part in a day of games and workshops where they worked on themes related to equal opportunities.

This year, the Cuartel General Luque was the setting for the reading of the manifesto by the CCOO and UGT. Today in the evening, at 7 p.m., the concert “Them and the music” will be performed by the Choir of Dons de San Francisco de Inca.

The 8M commemorative programme continues the following week with visits with a gender perspective in the Footwear and Industry Museum, a storytelling cycle, the conference “Education, the key to peace” given by Nadia Ghulam, and the “Fire Woman” correfoc by Brujas de Mallorca, among many other activities.

The full programme for International Women’s Day can be consulted on the City Council’s website: