Inca promotes a new cultural cycle to commemorate World Poetry Day

Mar 14, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

In the first edition of this festival, the programme combines music and poetry and takes the opportunity to present some of the new publications in this genre.

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Inca promotes a new cultural cycle

From the 19th to the 27th of March, the Inca Town Hall is organising a poetry series to celebrate World Poetry Day, which is commemorated on the 21st of March. “We aim to consolidate this initiative and for the capital of El Raiguer to enjoy an annual event with poetry,” explains the Councillor for Culture, Alice Weber.

Thus, one of the most outstanding shows in the cycle is the concert Nuredduna, based on the character created by the poet Costa i Llobera. In a free adaptation with personality, by Onofre Garcias. Costa i Llobera’s poem is transformed into a semi-staged show with Laura Picó, Juanjo Monserrat, Joan Fullana, Joan Vila and a band.

On the other hand, it is also worth mentioning the tribute to El adolescente de sal, the collection of poems by Biel Mesquida, which this year celebrates half a century since its publication, in clandestinity. This work, a benchmark in Catalan poetry, will be reinterpreted by the poet himself and the group Jansky on 27 March at Sa Quartera Centre d’Art.

In addition, the poet Pere Suau will read his work accompanied by the piano of Toni Bujosa and the clarinettist Marly Santamaria during the Poetry Cycle. Finally, the programme also includes the participation of Clara Fontanet, Miquel Rayó and Joan Antoni Cerrato, who will read verses from their latest works.