Isabel Rodríguez: “The Government is increasing the supply of affordable housing in the Balearic Islands, benefiting more than 2,500 people”

Mar 14, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Minister for Housing and the Urban Agenda, Isabel Rodríguez, has stated that “access to affordable housing is a priority for the Spanish Government” and that she remains committed to “working tirelessly” to ensure that any Spaniard can obtain this right “without spending more than 30% of their resources on it”.

The Government is increasing the supply of affordable housing in the Balearic Islands

Congress of Deputies, Madrid

The Minister for Housing and the Urban Agenda, Isabel Rodríguez, during her speech in the control session in CongressThe Minister for Housing and the Urban Agenda, Isabel Rodríguez, during her speech in the control session in Congress.
In response to a parliamentary question, the minister pointed out that the Government has made more resources available than ever to fulfil this commitment: “3.5 billion euros in the last General State Budget compared to the 475 million euros allocated by the PP”. For this reason, he encouraged the autonomous communities where the PP governs to “multiply by eight the budgets allocated to housing policy”, as the Spanish Government has done.

“Today, at this time, my department is signing a protocol to provide affordable rental housing in the Balearic Islands. Specifically, the Son Busquets protocol to increase the supply by providing more than 831 affordable housing units and 672 units for more than 2,500 people,” said Isabel Rodríguez in her speech.

In addition, next week, “I will also meet with the Autonomous Regions and town councils of different political persuasions to continue to make progress in terms of supply, as we are also doing by increasing funding”. “4,000 million euros for developers and also for public entities to be able to promote these homes,” he said. With “guarantees for young people, but not for 5 or 18 million euros, which is what your regions were doing, but 2,500 million euros. This is politics. Without exempting our responsibility, exceeding our competence, and we will continue to do so”, for which “I hope to count on all of you to do so”, the minister concluded.

Son Busquets development in Palma de Mallorca
The plot of land on which the Son Busquets Urban Regeneration project will be developed, which was acquired by SEPES (a public land business entity that depends on MIVAU) from the Institute for Defence Housing, Infrastructure and Equipment (INVIED), is located in the centre of the city of Palma de Mallorca.

This action, which is part of the Affordable Rental Housing Plan (PVAA), will mean the provision of 831 new affordable homes and 672 new homes for the public, especially for young people and the elderly. A residential offer for some 2,500 people, with which to alleviate the difficulties of access to housing that exist in the Mallorcan capital. For its urban development, an investment of 80.5 million euros has been budgeted, through an agreement signed between MIVAU and SEPES, of which more than 59 million have already been disbursed. The special plan will be presented before the summer, for processing by Palma City Council.

The director general of SEPES, Leire Iglesias, today presented the preview of the special plan drawn up by this public land business entity for the development of the Son Busquets public residential project, an affordable housing project that aspires to become a benchmark for its urban planning quality and sustainability. This is a strategic project of great importance for the Spanish Government’s housing policies, and to this end a proposal has been drawn up that responds to the demand for affordable housing on the island, while at the same time advocating the development of a city model aligned with the Spanish Urban Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Can’Escandell development, in Ibiza
Once the environmental documents have been approved, the Sepes Board of Directors, to be held next week, is expected to approve the contract for the development works for €11.7 million (plus VAT). This development in Ibiza, on a gross area of 17.23 hectares, will involve the construction of 532 homes.

Vassallo development in Mahón
The land corresponding to the site on Calle Vassallo, acquired by SEPES from INVIED, will enable the development of an affordable public housing project in a stressed area. Once the agreement with the municipality of Mahón has been signed, the project will be put out to tender in parallel with the urban planning process. This action, on a gross surface area of more than 2,500 m2, will involve the construction of 44 dwellings.