Water reserves in the Balearic Islands remain stable in February

Mar 15, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

February closed with water reserves in the Balearic Islands remaining stable at 54%, reflecting a month of balance between the different islands. While Mallorca has seen a slight decrease, going from 56% to 54%, Menorca and Eivissa have experienced a positive advance, increasing their reserves from 52% to 54% and from 39% to 40%, respectively. This situation maintains the islands in a similar condition to that recorded last year, which was 53%.

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Water reserves in the Balearic Islands remain stable in February

A significant change has occurred in Formentera, which has managed to emerge from the alert phase it was in, thanks to recent rainfall. This progress is a reflection of the positive impact that the rains are having on the management of the island’s water resources.

The balance between the demand units has been mixed, with some experiencing decreases while others have seen improvements. Despite this, most of the territory, 78.2%, is still in a pre-alert situation, although Menorca and Tramuntana Sud stand out as being in a state of normality.

During the month, a decrease in reserves was observed in the Manacor-Felanitx, Migjorn, Palma-Alcúdia and Tramuntana Nord Demand Units, while Menorca, Tramuntana Sud, Eivissa and Formentera recorded increases. The Demand Units of Artà and es Pla have remained stable.

In terms of rainfall, February has remained broadly within what is expected for the season, with a total of 39.3 l/m², slightly below the historical average. This rainfall behaviour, together with the warm temperatures experienced, with an average of 12.6ºC and an anomaly of +2.1ºC, demonstrates the climatic variability faced by the Balearic Islands.

The management of water reserves in the Balearic Islands remains a constant challenge, especially in the context of climate change. Formentera’s exit from the alert situation is positive news that demonstrates the archipelago’s capacity to respond to climate variations.