“Los perros”, by Led Silhouette and Marcos Morau comes to the Teatre Principal

Mar 16, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

This contemporary dance show will be performed on Wednesday the 20th of March at 8 pm

Los perros

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On Wednesday the 20th of March at 8 pm, Palma’s Teatre Principal will host the dance show Los perros (The Dogs), a production by the Navarrese troupe Led Silhouette. This show, choreographed by the director of the La Veronal troupe, Marcos Morau, premiered in 2022 and has since toured the main theatres and venues dedicated to contemporary dance in Spain.

Los perros is a journey through different stages of life, a dialogue between three generations and a torrent of emotions, in the words of the dancers Martxel Rodríguez and Jon López, who say that this is the dance company’s most “intimate and visceral” production.

Los perros also represents a dialogue between three generations: “There are two of us on stage, but there are more characters: two old people and two children”, says Jon López. Past, present and future intertwine through these three couples, to the point of making the three times coexist at the same time: “These six characters have the opportunity to communicate and explain to each other what they have done and what they still have to do”, says the co-director of Led Silhouette.

Los perros talks about the process of “dehumanisation and isolation” that affects those born in the digital era, who are torn between rebellion and docility.

On a choreographic level, the pair of performers play with the concept of “multi-body”, a way of sharing movements by intertwining the limbs, to the point of not knowing which performer belongs to which leg or arm.

In the development of the choreography, the figure of Marcos Morau, director of La Veronal, and one of the most prestigious contemporary dance professionals in Europe, has played a decisive role. But the influence of La Veronal has not been limited to Morau’s work, as the music has been composed by Cristóbal Saavedra, also a regular collaborator of La Veronal.

Martxel Rodríguez explains that the aesthetics of the staging range from contemporary plastic to atavistic form, something that has also been emphasised through the soundtrack: “The music helps to achieve these atavistic and ancestral reminiscences. You hear drums, heartbeats, cowbells, voices, bells and songs with a traditional and folkloric base, something that Marcos Morau also likes very much. It is very present in one of his latest productions, Sonoma”.