Authorisation was given for the 8.3 million euro agreement for the service for children aged 6 to 11 in a situation of dependency.

Mar 17, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The beneficiary entities are Amadiba, Amadip Esment, Aproscom, CEATTE, Mater and Patronat J23 de Inca.

The objective, among others, is to achieve the highest possible level of autonomy for these children.

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Authorisation was given for the 8.3 million euro agreement for the service for children aged 6 to 11

The Consell de Govern has approved the expenditure for the agreements of the Conselleria de Familias y Asuntos Sociales for a maximum total amount of 8.320.366,08 € with the entities Amadiba, Amadip Esment, Aproscom, CEATTE, Mater and Patronat J23 of Inca. According to these agreements, the six entities will be able to carry out the service of promotion of personal autonomy and prevention of the situation of dependence for children aged 6 to 11 years from 2024 to 2028.

These agreements are included in the call for concerted action for children aged 6 to 11 for 2024-2028 for a total amount of 13,333,920 euros for 13 entities, including the six mentioned above.

The distribution of the maximum amounts is as follows:

  • 1.493.399,04 € for Amadiba, for 112 annual places, for 273,42 €/place/month for 2024 and 278,94 €/place/month for the rest of the years.
  • 1.266.722,40 € for Amadip Esment Fundació, for 95 annual places, for 273,42 €/place/month for 2024 and 278,94 €/place/month for the rest of the years.
  • 1.306.724,16 € for Aproscom Fundació, for 98 annual places, for 273,42 €/place/month for 2024 and 278,94 €/place/month for the rest of the years.
  • 1.520.066,88 € for CEATTE (Rutkauskas & De Paubla, SL), for 114 annual places, at the rate of 273,42 €/place/month for 2024 and 278,94 €/place/month for the rest.
  • 1.506.732,96 € for the Mater Misericordiae Centre (Mater), for 113 places per year, at a rate of 273,42 €/place/month for 2024 and 278,94 €/place/month for the remaining years.
  • 1.226.720,64 € for the Fundació Patronat J23 de Inca, for 92 annual places, at the price of 273,42 €/place/month for the year 2024 and 278,94 €/place/month for the rest of the years.

The service for people in a situation of dependency and promotion of child autonomy from 6 to 11 years of age aims, among other things, to achieve the highest possible level of autonomy among these children and to encourage their participation in the community, stimulating their social relations and favouring their immediate environment.