The XXII Gala de l’Esport of the Consell de Mallorca pays tribute to more than 270 sportsmen and sportswomen and dedicates 2024 to Olympism

Mar 19, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

As a novelty, the event extends the recognition to the third podium achieved by young Mallorcans at the national level and premieres stage in the Auditorium, open to the public.

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270 sportsmen and sportswomen and dedicates 2024 to Olympism

Four awards: Values, to Proyecto Arkus; Trajectory, to Jordi Bonet Cucarella; Entity, to Club Náutico Cala Gamba, and School Sport, to the swimmers Estella Tonrath and Luna Vara, for their goals.
Special mentions to Mallorca Palma Futsal, RCD Mallorca, Marcus Cooper and football players Mariona Caldentey and Cata Coll.
The event was attended by participants such as gymnast Nicolau Mir, athletes Natalia Romero and Daniela García, rider Miki Jordà and sailor Nacho Baltasar, all of them possible candidates for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.
The 22nd Gala de l’Esport 2024 was held this Monday at the Auditorium in Palma, where 270 athletes between the ages of 6 and 16, who have achieved more than 500 podium finishes in national and international sporting competitions, were recognised.

As a novelty, the sporting event extends the recognition to the third podium in national championships. It will also be held for the first time at the Auditorium of Palma, with seating open to the public.

The president of the Consell de Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés, stressed that “the prizes we are awarding today are in recognition of the young sportsmen and women in some thirty different sports, who are a projection of sporting values beyond the island’s borders”. The second vice-president and councillor for the Environment, Rural Affairs and Sports, Pedro Bestard, pointed out that “we have never awarded so many podiums, and we want to reach third place in national championships in Spain, which is also valuable if we take into account the difficulty of the competitive environment in which they move”.

Bestard also thanked the work of coaches, clubs, federations, town councils and families, who are the driving force behind the smooth running of the Mallorcan sports network.

This year, with a view to the global sporting framework of Paris 2024, the gala was dedicated to the theme of Olympism. The Auditorium hosted a parade of possible Mallorcan candidates for the Olympics, as well as some veterans who have already had their moment in the limelight. Among them were canoeists Sete Benavides and Marcus Cooper; gymnast Nicolau Mir; athletes Natalia Romero and Daniela García; dressage rider Miki Jordà; sailor Nacho Baltasar; volleyball player Laura de la Torre and footballers Chichi Soler and Gabriel Vidal, among others.

The gala was attended by 1,700 guests and luxury presenters: the sports journalist Marta Garcia and the singer-songwriter and sportsman Jaume Anglada, who has performed on several occasions alone and also with the singer Angy.

2024 Awards

The Consell de Mallorca has awarded four special prizes, with a significant novelty: the nominations have been presented by sports federations and entities, and voted by the Permanent Commission of the Sports Council of Mallorca (COESMA), a consultative and participative body of the institution.

Valors” Award for the Arkus Archery Project, in which women with breast cancer participate.
Trajectòria” award for Jordi Bonet Cucarella, water polo coach, for his promotion of this sport in Mallorca.
Entity” award for the Club Náutico Cala Gamba, for its promotion of lateen sailing.
Esport Escolar” award for the swimmers Estella Tonrath and Luna Vara, for their spectacular achievements at the 2023 European Championships in the basic categories.
Special mentions

Apart from the four main awards, the Consell de Mallorca has made some special mentions:

Mallorca Palma Futsal, for the collaboration with the Consell in school visits and the promotion of sporting values associated with respect and teamwork.
RCD Mallorca, for the recent King’s Cup won by the team in the youth category, and for highlighting the campaigns carried out in 2023 with the institution, both against LGTBI-phobia in sport, and for the promotion of adapted sport, respectively.
Marcus Cooper, for the history and outstanding track record of the Mallorcan canoeist, in a year in which he is among the favourites to be the Spanish flag bearer at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, where he would be the second islander to achieve it, after tennis player Rafa Navidad.
Mariona Caldentey and Cata Coll, for the milestones achieved with the national football team.