Councillor Vidal confirms with Iberia Express and Air Nostrum the extension of their services between the archipelago and the mainland and between islands at Easter Week

Mar 20, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Iberia Express is offering 50,000 additional seats on routes from Palma, Maó and Eivissa to Madrid, and Air Nostrum is scheduling flights from Palma to Vigo, Badajoz, León and Valladolid.

Air Nostrum also adds one more daily frequency to the current routes from Palma to Eivissa and Maó for six days during Easter Week

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The extension of their services between the archipelago and the mainland and between islands at Easter Week

The councillor for Housing, Territory and Mobility, Marta Vidal, met last week with executives from the airlines Iberia Express and Air Nostrum to analyse and confirm a series of improvements in connectivity between the Balearic Islands and Madrid and other destinations on the peninsula for Easter, as well as to increase the frequency of the current routes from Mallorca to Eivissa and Menorca.

On the one hand, Councillor Vidal met with the CEO of Iberia Express, Carlos Gómez, to analyse and improve the connectivity that the company offers between the Balearic Islands and Madrid. For Easter Week, and specifically between 21 March and 1 April, Iberia Express has scheduled 24 additional flights, which represents an increase of 11% between the Balearic Islands and the capital.

The Eivissa-Madrid route will offer a total of 90 flights; the Maó-Madrid route, 13; and finally the Palma to Madrid route, 160, with a total of 263 flights. This increase in the number of flights will mean a capacity of almost 50,000 seats for this period.

In addition, the company, which operates short and medium-haul flights, announced that for the summer season, which begins on 31 March and ends on 26 October, it will offer more than 1.1 million seats between Madrid and Mallorca, Menorca and Ibiza. This represents an 88% increase with the Balearic Islands compared to Iberia Express capacity in the 2019 summer season, and a 22% increase compared to the 2023 season. In the breakdown by islands, this summer Iberia Express will increase its capacity by 17% with Mallorca, 25% with Eivissa and 33% with Menorca.

In her meeting with Air Nostrum, the councillor, Marta Vidal, discussed with the company’s founder and president, Carlos Bertomeu, the four new special routes that the company has scheduled between Palma and several cities on the peninsula (Badajoz, Vigo, León and Valladolid) and the increase in frequency on inter-island flights.

As for inter-island activity, Air Nostrum will add an extra frequency to the routes from Mallorca to Eivissa and Menorca on the 24th, 26th, 27th, 28th, 31st March and 1st April.

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About flights to mainland Spain, Air Nostrum has scheduled four special routes for Easter: Palma-Badajoz (10 flights), Palma-León (8 flights), Palma-Vigo (4 flights) and Palma-Valladolid (4 flights), in addition to the new route to La Seu de Urgell, which operates from Mallorca two days a week between January and March 2024.

In this way, Mallorca will be connected to León with six special frequencies on 22nd, 24th, 25th, 27th, 31st March and 1st April. There will also be extensive coverage with Vigo airport, with four frequencies on 24, 27, 31 March and 1 April. Meanwhile, with the Valladolid route, six special flights will be offered on 22, 25 and 31 March. Badajoz will also be connected to Son Sant Joan with four return flights on 24, 26, 27 and 31 March.

The Councillor for Housing, Territory and Mobility of the Government of the Balearic Islands, Marta Vidal, has highlighted the improvements confirmed with both airlines that “it is important to highlight the public-private collaboration to guarantee the citizens of the Balearic Islands the best possible connectivity”.