The IDI’s LOOP Disseny i Circularitat project brings together designers, producers and hoteliers to share examples of new products based on the reuse of materials generated by the sector itself

Mar 22, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

A hundred designers, producers and representatives of the hotel sector took part this morning in the LOOP Disseny i Circularitat conference organised by the Institute for Business Innovation of the Balearic Islands (IDI), an agency of the Regional Ministry of Enterprise, Employment and Energy, in collaboration with the Deixalles Foundation and the Sustainable Hotels Network, at the Hotel Nixe Palace. Based on a panel of specialists with different profiles, the conference served to reflect on the circularity, reuse, transformation and proximity of materials to incorporate them into the production of new products and thus optimise existing resources. The main premise is to convert part of the waste into a top-quality material using design and research.

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The IDI’s LOOP Disseny i Circularitat project brings

The event was attended by the director general of Enterprise, Self-Employment and Trade, José Antonio Caldés; the manager of the IDI, Silvia Delgado; the director general of the Fundació Deixalles, Francesca Martí; the secretary of the Hotel Business Federation of Mallorca and president of the Hotel Association of Cala Millor, Maria Inès Batle Eriksson; as well as associations of producers, designers, architects, waste managers, social and solidarity economy entities and design training centres.

The IDI took advantage of the meeting to show the new objects that have been made with materials from the HORECA sector collected by the Fundació Deixalles through the project “Fem que circuli”. These are some twenty prototypes created by eight designers and produced by four local workshops. It should be borne in mind that the HORECA sector has many materials that are replaced and are in good condition, as well as used products that become discarded items due to their own turnover. For this reason, making the sector aware of the possibilities that exist in the reuse of its materials, with the intervention of designers and local workshops, is both a challenge and an opportunity to promote circularity in the Balearic Islands.

The designs presented today were created by Cecilia Sörensen, Nicolás Guevara, Anabel Ribas, Margarita Payeras (Suro Swimwear), Paula Chacartegui, Jandro Bonet, Adriane Escarfullery, Amarar Tramuntana and Sara Regal, together with the Fundació Deixalles Sewing Workshop, the Taller Tèxtil Es Ministeri, the MAC Insular carpentry workshop and the Ebanistería Escaire carpentry workshop. The products include clothing, furniture and accessories, all of which are likely to return to the hotel sector, as there are more functional pieces for hotel employees, such as aprons; products focused on the customer experience that add value and comfort to rooms and common areas, such as armchairs, luggage racks and lamps; and elements that can be sold in the hotel itself, such as beach towels and bags.

During the conference, experiences of circularity that are already being carried out were presented, such as Lafiore’s “Som circulars” project. The progress of circularity in the hotel sector was also presented.