Approval of the services and benefits in the social sphere to be agreed in 2024

Mar 23, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The concerts have a planned budget of a total of 56,303,098 €.

Some services have been declared to be of general economic interest.

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Approval of the services and benefits in the social sphere to be agreed in 2024

The Consell de Govern has approved the forecast of the benefits and services for people in the social sphere that the Regional Ministry of Families and Social Affairs must arrange during 2024 for a total of 56,303,098 €. It has also declared of general economic interest the provision of early care for people with disabilities and people in a situation of dependency, home and residential help services and the technological provision of home telecare.

The agreement covers the following services to be contracted:

- Provision of early care in the Balearic Islands: consists of 140 sessions per year at a price of €43.16 per session. The budget is €17,577,773.20 for three years.
- Technological home telecare service for dependent persons in the Balearic Islands: consists of 24,000 devices (18,000 basic telecare devices per month and 6,000 advanced telecare devices per month). The budget is €14,840,340 for three years.
- Provision of home help for people in a situation of dependency in the area of the Mancomunitat del Pla de Mallorca: consists of 360,000 hours at a rate of €26.16/hour (VAT included). The budget is €9,417,600 for three years.
- Provision of home help for people in a situation of dependency in the area of Ibiza. It consists of 36,000 hours at a rate of €26.16/hour (VAT included). The budget is €941,760.00 for three years.
- Residential benefit for people in a situation of dependency in the area of Ibiza: consists of 80 places and a budget of €10,897,816.80 for four years.
- Community rehabilitation benefit (occupational centre) for people with a mental health diagnosis in the Balearic Islands: consists of 12 places at a rate of €48.20 per place per day. The budget is €381,744 for three years.
 - Shared home care for people with a mental health diagnosis in the Balearic Islands: 120 places at €51.28 per place per day. The budget is €2,246,064 for one year.