The government launches the new CAIB website

Mar 23, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Government of the Balearic Islands has launched the CAIB’s new website, which maintains its traditional address,, and is characterised by being more attractive, simpler and more user-friendly. Based on the premise of guaranteeing citizens access to a model of agile and transparent public administration, the web portal has been changed, which will mean a completely different way of functioning.

Thus, the new website is visually simpler and more attractive because the design is simpler, which facilitates more natural navigation since it is thematic. This new tool replaces the old model, which was structured organically and was based on the hierarchy of government bodies. This meant that users had to know the competencies of each ministry and the general directorates and bodies that make it up, which complicated the search. Moreover, it also lacked cross-cutting content or information on services.

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The government launches the new CAIB website

The aim of the new website, therefore, is to make citizens feel comfortable and know at all times where to click to get the information they need quickly and efficiently. This is why the website has a ‘WHAT DO YOU NEED’ section where you can find the most frequently requested procedures, such as finding a job, finding a school for your children, making a doctor’s appointment or obtaining a licence, among many other possibilities. It also incorporates a new space where all the available procedures and aids directly appear.

Likewise, it includes a much more powerful search engine for direct searches and also shows a renewed news section where news is updated every 24 hours.

Furthermore, the new website reinforces the Government’s commitment to transparency in the institutions and the posts that make them up. Therefore, from the new portal, the citizen will also have the possibility of navigating more easily through the organisation chart of the Government’s bodies and organs, department by department. Thus, they will have access to information on competencies, the person in charge and all transparency issues such as their expenses, travel, agenda, declaration of assets and remuneration, among other matters.

In short, the CAIB’s new website is a firm commitment to transparency and administrative simplification, based on the premise that the Administration must act as a facilitator and reduce any possible obstacles that may arise in its relations with citizens.