This Saturday the Lloseta Theatre will host the last performance of ‘Las humans de las olas’, a dance show organised by IBDONA on the occasion of 8M

Mar 23, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The work by the IB Danza company has been performed this March in Ibiza, Menorca and Formentera.

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This Saturday at 8 pm, the Lloseta Theatre will host the performance of ‘Las humanas de las olas’, a contemporary dance show by the Mallorcan company IB Danza, organised by the Institut Balear de la Dona (IBDONA) to mark the events of 8-M, International Women’s Day.

This Saturday the Lloseta Theatre will host the last performance of ‘Las humans de las Olas’

The performance, with free admission, has already been seen in Sant Josep de sa Talaia (10th March), Maó (7th March) and Formentera (9th March).

Las humanas de las olas is based on the degradation to which people subject others because they are of a different sex, and on the struggle that women have waged over the centuries to achieve the equality they deserve. The voices of these countless women fighting against machismo are the background of this dance performance.

IB Danza

IB Danza is the project of Mallorcan dancer and choreographer Daniel Estévez López, who, after graduating from the Escuela Superior de Danza y Multimedia (ESDM) in Barcelona and touring internationally for more than twenty years, returned to Palma to found this company in 2018.

In 2023, Águeda Morey Fernández, a BA Hons graduate in Contemporary Dance from the Northern School of Contemporary Dance in Leeds (UK), and currently studying for a Masters in Creative Events Management online at the University of Falmouth (UK), joined the company.

On 25 November, on the occasion of 25-N, the Day against Gender Violence, IB Danza performed the work La silla que nos corta el vuelo in Can Balaguer (Palma) and in the Women’s Penitentiary.

Team of Las humanas de las olas

Artistic direction:

Daniel Estévez López and Águeda Morey Fernández.


Daniel Estévez López

Alexys García Lara

Rubén Peinado Tomás

María Blanes Pérez

Águeda Morey Fernández