1,276 people have sat the last exam of the extraordinary procedure for stabilisation through competitive examinations

Mar 24, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The selection boards now have to assess the merits of the competition phase of the process, which is due to be completed by the end of 2024.

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1,276 people have sat the last exam of the extraordinary procedure

This morning the last exam of the extraordinary procedure of stabilisation by competitive examination of all the subgroups (A1, A2, C1 and AP) of the CAIB Administration’s facultative bodies took place. The call was made at 10:00 am in the Jovellanos Building of the UIB in Mallorca, in the IES Joan Ramis i Ramis in Maó, in Menorca and the IES Sa Blanca Dona in Ibiza.

In Mallorca, 1,256 people were called for the Senior Faculty Corps, 1,500 for the Technical Faculty Corps, 92 people for the Assistant Faculty Corps and 146 people for the Subordinate Faculty Corps. A total of 2,994 applicants have been called up in Mallorca for 39 different bodies. On this island, 127 vacancies were offered for all the bodies.

In Menorca, 16 people were called for the Cuerpo Facultativo Superior, 25 for the Cuerpo Facultativo Técnico, 8 people for the Cuerpo Ayudante Facultativo and 3 people for the Cuerpo Facultativo Subalterno. In total, 52 applicants have been called for 14 different bodies in Menorca. On this island, there are 3 vacancies on offer.

In Ibiza, 25 people were called for the Senior Optional Corps, 47 for the Technical Optional Corps, 11 people for the Optional Assistant Corps and 4 people for the Subordinate Optional Corps. A total of 87 applicants have been called for 19 different bodies on Ibiza. There are 5 vacancies on offer on this island.

Of all the people called, 5 have finally applied:

In Mallorca 515 people for the Cuerpo Facultativo Superior, 581 for the Cuerpo Facultativo Técnico, 56 people for the Cuerpo Ayudante Facultativo and 50 people for the Cuerpo Facultativo Subalterno.

In Menorca 14 people for the Senior Optional Corps, 9 for the Technical Optional Corps, none for the Optional Assistant Corps and 1 person for the Subordinate Optional Corps.

And in Ibiza 16 people for the Cuerpo Facultativo Superior, 29 for the Cuerpo Facultativo Técnico, 5 people for the Cuerpo Ayudante Facultativo and none for the Cuerpo Facultativo Subalterno.

The Balearic School of Public Administration (EBAP) has managed the extraordinary procedure for the stabilisation of merit-based competitive examinations for civil servant and labour staff of the CAIB and the ATIB for the three islands. This involved the management of 106 procedures, which at the same time involved the management of 521 vacancies. These procedures have all been completed, except for those of the doctors who, now that the merit review phase has been completed, will take up their posts in April. To date, 337 positions have already been stabilised.

As for the extraordinary procedure of stabilisation by competitive examination, 254 positions have been offered between civil servants, employees and the ATIB, and 66 procedures have been managed. These procedures are currently in the merit assessment phase and should be completed by the end of the year.

The Director General of Civil Service, Antoni Mesquida, explained that the calls for candidates, as planned, began at 10 a.m. and that the tests have been carried out “with absolute normality and without notable incidents”.

As part of the stabilisation procedures, some 18,000 applications have been processed and more than 5,000 people have applied.