Abaqua commissions FUEIB to carry out an environmental study of Portmany Bay

Mar 30, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

With a budget of 72,570 euros and a completion period of one year, the project reflects an unequivocal commitment to the environment and the sustainability of the water cycle.


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The Balearic Water and Environmental Quality Agency (Abaqua), part of the Regional Ministry of the Sea and Water Cycle, has commissioned an environmental study for Portmany Bay. This initiative, formalised on 10 January, has been assigned to the University Business Foundation of the Balearic Islands (FUEIB) for execution by the Institut Mediterrani d’Estudis Avançats (IMEDEA) of the University of the Balearic Islands. This effort reflects an unequivocal commitment to the environment and, specifically, to the sustainability of the water cycle.

With a budget of 72,570 euros and a one-year execution period, the project includes an exhaustive bibliographic review to compile existing data on the bay’s natural environment, the creation and validation of a database, the collection of field samples covering temperature, nutrients, salinity and other critical factors, followed by a detailed data analysis.

This process will culminate in the presentation of a final report containing the conclusions of the study along with recommendations for optimising water management and environmental health in the area.

These works, commissioned in coordination with the town councils of Sant Josep de sa Talaia and Sant Antoni de Portmany, with whom IMEDEA has already contacted and who have made themselves available to provide all possible information and collaboration, comply with the agreement reached during the first Portmany Bay Water Round Table held on 15 December 2022.

With this commission, the town councils of Sant Josep, Sant Antoni and the Department of the Sea and the Water Cycle are once again demonstrating their commitment to the environment and, in particular, to the water cycle, fulfilling the commitments made previously with various associations and organisations in this field.