Transport to assess the resilience of roads to the effects of climate change

Mar 31, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility will carry out a risk analysis of the State Road Network in the face of hydrometeorological events with funding from the European NextGenerationEU funds, within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.

The Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility has tendered a 4.97 million euro service contract to assess the resilience of the State Road Network to hydrometeorological events and flood management, within the framework of the climate change adaptation plan that is being developed.

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Transport to assess the resilience of roads

This contract is financed by European NextGenerationEU funds, in the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan. The announcement will be published shortly in the Official State Gazette (BOE).

The objective is to study the risks of hydrological origin in the State Road Network, as well as the development of instruments to improve flood management.

In road infrastructures, hydrological risks are materialised in two types of conditions: the accumulation of water on the roadway that makes it impossible to circulate in safe conditions, leaving a section out of service, and the deterioration or failure of certain elements and structures of the network.

This service contract has two phases:

Analysis of hydrological risks on state-owned roads and implementation of warning systems. It includes a study of the flooding of the State Road Network, taking into account climate change, and is based on a series of Flood Reference Points (PIR), made up of drainage or crossing works, transversal to the road, with a span of less than three metres.
Also included as RIPs are those drainage or crossing works with a span width of between three and ten metres which the contract management deems appropriate. These RIPs include, in addition to the cross drainage or crossing works where they are located, the adjacent road sections which may be affected by flooding.

Development of technical guidelines to improve flood management. The aim is to achieve adequate coordination between the different bodies involved in flood management and to define and structure the actions to avoid or minimise the effect of flooding on the State Road Network.
Description of the works
The work included in the contract will therefore be divided into the following two phases:

1) Analysis of risks of hydrological origin on the State Road Network and implementation of warning systems, which includes:

The collection and analysis of existing information
The development of the risk analysis methodology
A hydro-meteorological study
The application of the risk analysis methodology
The implementation of a hydrological warning system
The design and implementation of a computer application
The development of the pilot project
The preparation of reports
Training, manuals, forums
Coordination with other organisations
2) Development of technical guidelines to improve flood management:

A guideline for the development of territorial co-ordination protocols
Technical note on flooding
Contract in two lots
The contract has also been divided into two lots, geographically grouped as follows:

Zone 1: Asturias, Extremadura, Galicia, Castilla y León, Madrid, Cantabria and La Rioja, with a budget of 2,531,591.63 euros.
Zone 2: Aragon, Andalusia, Catalonia, Valencia, Murcia and Castile-La Mancha, with a budget of 2,438,699.70 euros.