The Government of the Balearic Islands requests the involvement of the Central Government in tackling island water challenges

Apr 5, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Councillor Lafuente stressed the need for state collaboration and support during his participation in the National Water Council.

The Government of the Balearic Islands took part this afternoon in the session of the National Water Council held at the headquarters of the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge. During the meeting, the Minister of the Sea and the Water Cycle, Juan Manuel Lafuente, and the Director General of Water Resources, Joan Calafat, stressed the importance of having the support and commitment of the state to advance water projects on the islands.

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The involvement of the Central Government in tackling island water challenges

The meeting of the National Water Council, which serves as a platform for the discussion of water policies on a national level, included issues such as water reuse and digitalisation to improve the management of water infrastructures. The Government has reiterated its willingness to join forces with the Central Government, tackling the challenges related to water management on the islands in a spirit of institutional collaboration. This rapprochement recalls the dialogue initiated with the letter sent last November to Minister Teresa Ribera, which expressed the desire for fruitful collaboration to solve the specific problems of the Balearic Islands.

“Our presence today underscores our serious commitment to address our islands’ water challenges by actively seeking mutual understanding and support. We are dedicated to finding and implementing solutions that are both efficient and sustainable,” Lafuente underlined after the meeting, emphasising the need for a joint effort to address these challenges.

This initiative highlights the Balearic Government’s vision of the importance of intergovernmental collaboration on sustainability and natural resource management issues. In this sense, it reinforces the idea of working together to guarantee the well-being of citizens and the protection of the environment, promoting innovative and sustainable water management practices.

The National Water Council, which reports to the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, has brought together representatives from the state, autonomous communities, local entities and environmental organisations, offering a space for dialogue and proposals for water policies adapted to present and future challenges.