152 civil servants take possession as civil servants of the Consell de Mallorca, the IMAS and the ADT

Apr 9, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The workers have achieved their position as career civil servants of the general administration of the subgroups C1, C2 and professional groupings once the process of stabilization has been finished

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152 civil servants take possession as civil servants of the Consell de Mallorca

The president of the Consell de Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés together with the councillor of Treasury and Public Function, Rafael A. Bosch; the councillor of Social Welfare and president of the IMAS, Guillermo Sánchez; and the councillor of Territory, Mobility and Infrastructures, Fernando Rubio, have attended the inauguration of 152 civil servants that have obtained their position after the process of stabilization in the Consell de Mallorca, the Agency of Defence of the Territory (ADT) and the Institute of Social Affairs of Mallorca (IMAS). The rest of the executive councillors have also attended.

Last February, the A1 and A2 group civil servants took office, and today the civil servants, formerly interim civil servants, who have obtained a permanent position as career civil servants in subgroups C1, C2 and AP, do so. Specifically, twenty civil servants from subgroup C1, which corresponds to the administrative body, are taking up their posts in the island institution, seven in the IMAS and one in the ADT. On the other hand, 62 workers in the island institution, 40 in IMAS and 2 in the ADT have joined the administrative auxiliary staff (C2). In the same way, twenty civil servants have obtained their position as professional grouping (AP) of the IMAS.

The president of the Consell de Mallorca explained that “in this way, we consolidate our commitment to job stability and the reduction of temporary employment rates”. Llorenç Galmés highlighted the work of the employees “who are the real driving force of the institution” and their “fundamental role in its functioning, as they provide stability, knowledge, responsibility and, above all, service to citizens”.

In December, the Consell de Mallorca began the stabilisation procedure and took on the calls for the general administration of the institution, the Mallorcan Institute of Social Affairs and the Territorial Defence Agency. Likewise, through the Mallorcan School of Public Administration, it took on the stabilisation processes of 29 local entities, their autonomous bodies and municipal public companies.

For this reason, the President thanked the collaboration of the Mallorcan School of Public Administration, as well as the efforts of the qualification tribunals and the work of the Civil Service Department.