The works on the Sant Llorenç care home for dependent elderly people go out to tender

Apr 10, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Regional Ministry of Families and Social Affairs, through the Consorci de Recursos Sociosanitaris i Assistencials, has put out to tender the works of the residence for dependent elderly people in Sant Llorenç for an amount of 6.864.629,17 € (VAT included). The deadline for submitting bids is 8 May, and the works must be completed within a maximum of 18 months. The residence is expected to be ready in the first half of 2026.

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The Sant Llorenç care home for dependent elderly people go out to tender

60 residential places

The future residence will be located on plot 119 of polygon 7 in Sant Llorenç, a space ceded by the Sant Llorenç Town Council in November 2021, and is expected to cost a total of €8,779,725.83, including the Regional Ministry’s funds and European MRR funds.

The residence project was awarded in June 2022 to the UTE Natalia Clúa + Jaime Clúa + CLC Clúa Longas Arquitectos, SLP. It has a total built area of 3,521.79 m² and is distributed over three floors: one below ground level and two above ground level. It has 60 places distributed in three residential homes with 20 places each.