The Consell de Govern appoints the members of the Fiscal Advisory Council of the Balearic Islands

Apr 13, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The body, which will meet quarterly, is made up of 22 members proposed by the Government, the island councils, the FELIB and the UIB, among others.

Among its functions, it will analyse and design the overall public revenue policy and propose the corresponding tax policy measures.

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Members of the Fiscal Advisory Council of the Balearic Islands

The Consell de Govern, at the proposal of the Regional Ministry of Economy, Finance and Innovation, approved the appointment of the 22 members who will make up the Fiscal Advisory Council of the Balearic Islands this Friday. The creation and functioning of this body is regulated by the fourth additional provision of Law 12/2023, of 29 December, on the General Budget of the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands.

The Tax Advisory Council is a collegiate body of a consultative, participatory and supportive nature for the activity of the Tax Agency of the Balearic Islands, attached to the Ministry of Finance.

Amongst its main functions, this body will analyse and design the overall public revenue policy, within the framework of the regional tax system, and will propose the corresponding tax policy measures; it will recommend medium and long-term strategies for action to improve the efficiency of the tax system of the Balearic Islands; it will suggest improvements in tax regulations and promote good practices in the tax administrations; it will also propose the creation of a new tax system for the Balearic Islands; and it will promote the development of the Balearic Islands’ tax system.

The members of the Fiscal Advisory Council – which is chaired by the Minister of Finance -, who act with full independence of criteria in the exercise of their functions, are as follows:

  • Four members representing the Government and the Administration of the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands: Bartomeu Alcover, Antònia Perelló, Jorge Sainz de Baranda and Miquel Ángel Busquets.
  • Two members representing the ATIB: Justo Alberto Roibal and Israel Roibal.
  • One member representing each island council: Rafel Bosch (Consell de Mallorca), Maria Antònia Taltavull (Consell de Menorca), Salvador Losa (Consell de Ibiza) and Pablo Serra (Consell de Formentera).
  • Two members representing local entities: Jaume Ferriol and Miquel Santandreu.
  • Six members representing professional associations and entities or associations of groups representing tax advisors who work in the Balearic Islands: María Elena Germán (Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Abogados de las Illes Balears), Ramón Palou (Ilustre Colegio de Economistas de las Illes Balears), Juan Ramis (Colegio Oficial de Titulados Mercantiles y Empresariales), Miguel Ángel García (Ilustre Colegio de Gestores Administrativos de las Illes Balears), Joan Torres (Balearic Delegation of the Asociación Profesional de Técnicos Tributarios de Cataluña y las Illes Balears) and Antoni Serra (Spanish Association of Tax Advisors of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands) and Antoni Serra (Spanish Association of Tax Advisors of the Balearic Islands).
  • Two members appointed from among professors and lecturers in the academic field who teach taxation, one on the economic side and the other on the legal side, at the proposal of the UIB: Francisco Oliver and Ricardo Jesús Navarro. Two members freely appointed by the minister responsible for tax matters, preferably appointed by the competent bodies within the State Tax Administration Agency (AEAT), the economic-administrative tribunals of the State Administration or the Council for the Defence of Taxpayers: Ana Julia Fernández and Miguel Ángel Bauzá.

The Tax Advisory Council will meet quarterly in ordinary session, and in extraordinary session when the president or chairman, or one-third of the members, so request. The term of office of the members of the body is four years, and the president may delegate his or her functions to any of the representatives of the Government of the Administration of the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands.