17 people hired at the Consell de Mallorca with the programme SOIB Reactiva 2023

Apr 15, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The initiative to promote public hiring is aimed at young unemployed people and people aged 30 and over who are in a situation of long-term unemployment.

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Programme SOIB Reactiva 2023

The Consell de Mallorca has hired a total of 17 people to work at the island’s institution as part of the Reactiva 2023 programme, promoted by the SOIB and funded by the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+). A grant of 352,133.69 euros has been awarded to the Island Council of Mallorca to carry out this recruitment.

This subsidy is destined to hire personnel in two lines to cover all the workplaces requested by the Consell de Mallorca. The first one is addressed to unemployed young people over 16 and under 30 years old without higher education, and the second one is for unemployed people over 30 years old who are in a situation of long-term unemployment.

The island’s Director of Strategic Projects and Institutional Relations, María Elena Jaume, has received the people who have been hired through these grants provided by the SOIB. The people hired by the island institution have obtained various jobs: nine administrative assistants, three forestry labourers, two administrative staff, a second forestry officer, an orderly and an image and sound technician.

María Elena Jaume stressed the importance of “collaboration between public institutions to boost employment and address the necessary objective of these programmes, which seek to activate job seekers”. The island director stressed the value of “working to favour conditions and open up alternatives for young people and those who have suffered the consequences of long-term unemployment”.