The Balearic Islands are the autonomous community in Spain with The Balearic Islands are the autonomous community in Spain with the best percentage of aid payments to farmers and livestock breeders

Apr 15, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and the Environment has already paid 87.23% of the CAP 2023. The national average stands at 64.47%.

The Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and the Natural Environment, through the Balearic Islands Agricultural and Fisheries Guarantee Fund (FOGAIBA), has paid out, to date, 27,547,114.79 euros corresponding to the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) aid for the 2023 campaign. This figure, according to data provided by the Spanish Agricultural Guarantee Fund (FEGA) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, represents 87.23% and places the Balearic Islands at the head of Spain. The national average is around 64.47%.

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The Balearic Islands are the autonomous community in Spain with the best percentage of aid payments to farmers and livestock breeders

In detail, and after the Balearic Islands, the autonomous communities most advanced in CAP aid payments are Castile and Leon, with 84.59%, and Navarre, with 75.76%. At the bottom of the list are the Basque Country, with 28.01%, Murcia, with 33.01%, and the Canary Islands, with 33.86%.

In this regard, the Regional Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and the Natural Environment, Joan Simonet, pointed out that this percentage “is the result of the intense work being done by the Regional Ministry to resolve all the calls for applications as soon as possible, because we are aware that the sector needs all the available aid resources and the maximum liquidity to be able to cope on a day-to-day basis”. “We must not forget, moreover, that we continue to take steps to streamline the bureaucracy to the maximum and provide more facilities to our farmers, ranchers and fishermen to achieve a profitable primary sector,” added the councillor.

It should be remembered that the 2023 CAP campaign is the first to recognise the island region, which has meant an increase of 35.1% in aid to the primary sector of the Balearic Islands compared to the CAP 2022. If in the previous campaign aid worth 27,359,254.65 euros was processed, in this 2023 the amount amounts – provisionally – to 36,949,814.24 euros, more than nine million more (9,590,559.59 euros) than in 2022. Of this, more than 27.5 million euros have already been paid.

New payments

In recent days, FOGAIBA has also made new payments of aid from the Rural Development Programme (RDP), with a total amount of 815,237.20 euros, between three different lines of aid such as Investment in Agricultural Holdings (INEA 2020); the INEA line for Dried Fruit 2021 and aid for Pilot Projects 2018. In total, there have been nine beneficiaries.

A new payment of 13,191.05 euros has also been made from the aid line for the storm Juliette, and two investment files for slaughterhouses have been resolved and paid for a total of 98,955.26 euros.

It should also be noted that the 2022 call for proposals for the trotting sector (SET) has also been closed with the resolution of 58 dossiers and a total payment of 21,000 euros. Together with the payment of an ADS dossier for the 2023 campaign for a value of 37,303.69 euros, FOGAIBA has paid a total of 170,450 euros in various aids.

About aid from the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF), a total of 24 dossiers have been resolved: 15 correspond to aid for compensation for the increase in diesel fuel and a total of 8,070.76 euros has been paid. The other nine dossiers correspond to aid for the Temporary Stoppage of Fishing for the 2022 fishing year, for a total of 119,325.24 euros.