A call for proposals to fund research projects to assess and mitigate the impact of climate change has been launched

Apr 18, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The amount of the call is 1,300,000 euros and will finance actions on biodiversity within the framework of the complementary research plans.

The Directorate General for Research, Innovation and Digital Transformation has announced a line of grants to finance research projects and actions on biodiversity within the framework of the complementary R&D&I plans, a tool for promoting research in collaboration with the autonomous communities set up thanks to the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism.

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The impact of climate change

The aim is to finance research projects, both individual and cooperative, that can help to achieve the objectives set out in the Complementary Biodiversity Plan: biodiversity monitoring and tracking, inventory of ecosystem services, assessment and mitigation of the impact of global change on biodiversity. About actions, understood as specific research actions aimed at complementing existing or future research projects, funding may be provided for the preparation of proposals for the participation of research teams in international biodiversity projects, specific scientific and technological policy actions of particular interest or urgency, and collaboration actions in the following areas.

The total amount of the call for proposals is 1,312,183 euros, of which 889,554 euros come from the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism funds and 422,629 euros from own funds.

The Supplementary Plans

The complementary plans are a new tool for implementing research programmes in strategic areas, co-governed and co-financed by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and the autonomous communities within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan. The Balearic Islands participate in three of the eight plans launched to date by the Ministry of Science: the Complementary Plan for Astrophysics and High Energy Physics, the Complementary Plan for Marine Sciences and the aforementioned Complementary Plan for Biodiversity.

The CAIB’s participation in the Complementary Plan for Astrophysics and High Energy Physics is articulated through the work of the astrophysics centre of the University of the Balearic Islands with the project “Astrophysics as a driving force for digital transformation”, with a budget of 2 million euros contributed 50/50 by the MRR funds and the CAIB. In addition to the Balearic Islands, Catalonia, Andalusia, Cantabria, the Valencian Community and Aragon are participating in the implementation of the Plan, and the research activity will focus on the lines of action “Gravitational wave experiments and multi-messenger astronomy” and “Computing, big data and artificial intelligence”.

As for the Complementary Marine Science Plan, the Balearic Islands will participate in the EBAMAR-PortoC programme, which will involve, on the one hand, the incorporation of the former Portocolom lighthouse into the Balearic Islands Network of Research Stations and, on the other, the installation of several platforms and instruments for observing and monitoring the marine and coastal environment, and a third line that will focus on technological innovation through the creation of a Digital Twin of the Marine, Maritime and Coastal Environment. In addition to the Balearic Islands, Andalusia, the Canary Islands, Cantabria, the Valencian Community, Galicia and Murcia are participating in this Plan. The budget for the activity to be contributed by the centres of the Islands is 1.6 million euros, with a contribution of 1,066,267 euros from MRR funds through the central government and 574,144 euros from the CAIB’s funds.

Access to the procedure:

Application for research projects https://www.caib.es/seucaib/es/202/administracions/tramites/tramite/6120839/