For the first time, a total of 97 teachers have applied to sit on a competitive examination board voluntarily

Apr 19, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Conselleria d’Educació i Universitats has hosted today the draw, which has been public, using which the tribunals will be constituted.

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For the first time, a total of 97 teachers have applied to sit on a competitive examination board voluntarily

A total of 1,018 candidates will take part in the competitive examinations, which will be held on each island and will begin on 22 June.

In view of this year’s competitive examinations, which will be held by islands on 22 and 25 June, the Directorate General for Teaching Staff and Concerted Centres has incorporated new features in the formation of the selection boards and, for the first time, teachers who wish to do so have been able to volunteer to sit on a selection board. The deadline for volunteering ended yesterday and the Conselleria d’Educació i Universitats has received a total of 97 applications.

These volunteers will be able to form part of 50% of the members of the tribunals, which are made up of a president and four members. To determine the teachers who will make up all the tribunals, a public draw was held at the Regional Ministry, with the presence of the trade unions.

Also as a novelty this year, the Directorate General for Teaching Staff and Concerted Centres has assigned random numbers to the 9,305 teachers who may be members of the selection boards for the competitive examinations. In the draw, an innocent hand pressed the button on the programme that drew the number 4,232, from which all of the tribunals will be formed, and which will be evenly balanced.

These tribunals will be responsible for assessing the 1,018 candidates who will sit the competitive examinations for the teaching staff of the Balearic Islands.

This initiative marks a significant step towards greater participation of the teaching staff in the selection processes, reinforcing transparency and representativeness in the competitive examinations.