The government earmarks 1.2 million euros for the promotion of social participation and the promotion of the associative fabric, 62% more than in the previous call for applications

Apr 25, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

This amount will be used to finance the current expenditure of entities that develop social programmes in disability, mental health, dependency or social exclusion, among others.

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1.2 million euros for the promotion of social participation and the promotion of the associative fabric

In the 2022-2023 call, 12 supra-island entities benefited.

The Regional Ministry of Families and Social Affairs has announced a line of subsidies to foster social participation and strengthen the associative fabric by financing the ordinary operating expenses of federations, confederations and unions of non-profit organisations with a supra-island scope that exclusively carry out actions in favour of people in the social sphere. The scope of action must be that of:

-People with physical, mental and sensory disabilities.

-People with a diagnosis of serious mental health.

-Elderly people in a situation of dependency.

-People in a situation of poverty or social exclusion.

The call, published today in the Official Gazette of the community, is intended to finance the ordinary expenses of federations, confederations and unions of entities that carry out programmes in the social field for 2024 and 2025 and includes aid for a maximum amount of 1,200,000 euros. This is 62% more than in the 2022-2023 call when it was 740,000 euros, and 71% more than in previous calls, when 700,000 euros were allocated. The budget distribution is €450,000 from the 2024 budget, €450,000 from the 2025 budget and €300,000 from the 2026 budget.

A total of 12 entities benefited from the 2022-2023 call for proposals: FEIAB, REAS – Xarxa d’Economia Alternativa i Solidària de les Illes Balears, EAPN, Federació d’entitats i serveis de salut mental de Mallorca, Coordinadora balear de persones amb discapacitat, Plataforma sociosanitària de les Pitiüses, FSIB-Federació de persones sordes de les Illes Balears, Plataforma del voluntariat de les Illes Balears, UNAC, Associació 3 salut mental, Plena inclusió Illes Balears and PREDIF Illes Balears.