The Consell de Mallorca brings together some thirty councillors from the island’s town councils to establish strategic plans for the promotion of economic and commercial activity

Apr 30, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Councillor Amate chairs the first session of the Advisory Council of Product and Commerce of Mallorca, which also addressed the generational replacement of the local population

The Consell de Mallorca brings together some thirty councillors from the island’s town councils to establish strategic plans

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The Department of Economic Promotion and Local Development held the first meeting of the Product and Commerce Advisory Council of Mallorca (Capycma) on Monday, which served to open a forum for participation that will enable the Consell de Mallorca and local councils to establish joint strategies to promote Mallorca’s productive sectors, revitalise commercial activity and promote the consumption of Mallorca’s local produce.

The promotion of associations, the acquisition and analysis of data on the commercial reality in each municipality, training in the commercial area, measures to restore consumer confidence through the secure purchasing system and the management of generational change, are some of the axes of the different areas of work.

The meeting, chaired by Councillor Pilar Amate, was attended by some thirty councillors and representatives of the economic and commerce departments of Mallorca’s town councils. The insular director of Economic Promotion and Product of Mallorca, Álvaro Roca, and the insular director of Commerce, Alfredo Arias, also took part in the meeting.

Addressing generational change

Among the aspects that have been put on the table is the generational changeover to ensure the continuity of many family businesses and shops, as well as establishing tools to highlight the benefits of local commerce.

Once Capycma is up and running, and after a period of time, specific data will be collected on changes in commercial activity and trends to be analysed in the Trade Observatory, as a specialised meeting within this body.