Inca dresses up to celebrate Dijous Gros 2024

May 4, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Every May, Inca celebrates its spring fair and this year will be no exception. On Thursday 9 May, the city will be filled with activities for all tastes and ages on the occasion of Dijous Gros.

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Dijous Gros 2024

The presentation of the Dijous Gros 2024 programme was presided over by the Mayor of Inca, Virgilio Moreno, and the Councillor for Fairs, María José Fernández, who was accompanied by other members of the municipal council and representatives of associations, inkers and groups in the city, along with all those who collaborate with this festival.

“Once again this year, the joint effort and work of everyone makes it possible for us to celebrate Dijous Gros and, year after year, we are expanding the programme and the number of activities. Come and enjoy a festive event that promises to captivate residents and visitors alike, and we look forward to seeing you there!

For her part, Councillor Fernández stresses that “citizens are eager to enjoy our traditions and celebrate a deeply-rooted festivity in Inca, such as Dijous Gros. In addition, this year we introduce the novelty of the ‘Shop in the street’ with the participation of 70 establishments in the city”.

Thus, this year’s Dijous Gros is kicked off with the opening speech by Pep Córcoles Tugores, which will be held on Tuesday 7 May in the plenary hall of the Town Hall. Beforehand there will be a parade with Caparrots and the Batucada Fieres de Inca.

Dijous Gros, on the 9th of May, will begin with the Thursday market, which will continue until the afternoon. The traditional market will fill the streets of the centre and will be accompanied by events at various points in the city. Starting at 9:00 am, Carrer Jaume Armengol will host workshops run by the Inca Town Hall’s Training and Employment Centre.

At the same time, from 9 am to 1:30 pm, a Science Fair will be held in the Sant Domingo Cloister, run by 4th ESO and 1st Baccalaureate students from the Inca and Berenguer de Anoia secondary schools. There will also be musical performances in Plaça del Mercat from 10 a.m. to 1.30 p.m., and an open day at Can Pujol. In addition, throughout the day the Plaça del Mercat Cobert will be hosting the “Shop in the Street” initiative, in which many of the city’s establishments will be participating with special offers. Other shops are participating with promotions and special offers in their own establishments.

As every year, one of the main events of the day will be the 10th Géminis de Faves Popular Lunch in the Plaça de l’Aigua, with tickets on sale in advance. In addition, several wineries and restaurants in Inca will also be taking part, preparing dishes based on recipes made with broad beans.

In the afternoon, the activities continue. At 5 pm, the Museum of Footwear and Industry will host a lecture by Dr Héctor Gil, professor of the Department of Philosophy and Social Work, as well as an exhibition by the Arthemys Inca Club in the Plaza de Santa Maria la Major. For the little ones, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., there will be a children’s performance in Plaza España, and from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., a musical performance by the students of the Inca Conservatory. Finally, there will be a musical theatre performance by ADAE, “Aladdin”, in the Plaza de la Libertad, among other activities.

The complete programme for Thursday Gros 2024 can be consulted here: