The Consell de Mallorca modifies the Canal de Regatas de Alcúdia project to turn it into a national sporting reference point

May 4, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Bestard and Rodríguez defend the Consell’s commitment to all projects financed with European funds

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The Consell de Mallorca modifies the Canal de Regatas de Alcúdia project

The Consell de Mallorca, through the joint work of the departments of Tourism on the one hand, and the Environment, Rural Affairs and Sports on the other, has managed to modify the Alcúdia Regatta Canal project, financed with European funds through the Tourism Sustainability Plans in Destinations Programme, to turn it into a national sporting reference and thus meet the deadlines set by the European Union.
The project, which belongs to the 2021 call, was aimed at the development of sports tourism, in this case, canoeing in the Estany dels Ponts, and contemplated a series of actions for its final adaptation. For this reason, the new management team of the Consell de Mallorca, as soon as they took office and became aware of the project, undertook to move it forward and work on its execution, despite the fact that the file was in a very incipient state and the land had not yet been ceded, which complicated compliance with the deadlines.

Specifically, the site on which the project is to be developed is owned by the Alcúdia Town Council, which has to cede this space to the Consell de Mallorca, although this had not yet occurred at the beginning of the legislature.
In order to launch a viable project that could meet the deadlines, the Consell de Mallorca’s teams asked the Secretary of State for Tourism (SETUR) to modify the project, with the aim of not giving up the project and at the same time turning it into one of the most important training centres in Spain, with the collaboration of the Balearic Canoeing Federation.
In the words of the island’s Councillor for Tourism, José Marcial Rodríguez Díaz, the infrastructure “will be used for high-level training, and will be one of the most suitable channels for the physical preparation of athletes due to the shallower water, which will help to improve the physical conditions of the athlete”.
“We have reached this solution after dialogue and consensus on the project, whose degree of execution was very deficient when we arrived, with all the affected parties, and we are thus fulfilling our commitment to continue with the training area of the Alcudia regatta canal,” added Rodríguez.

Along these lines, the second vice-president and councillor for the Environment, Rural Affairs and Sports, Pedro Bestard, has assured that “this government team is working to improve Mallorca and offer the best services. This regatta canal is an infrastructure that will undoubtedly help to do so. We are fully aware of what this island needs and from the first minute we have set to work”.