Work begins to improve the access road to Binibèquer Vell

May 6, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Until the 9th of May, this stretch will be closed to traffic in the mornings due to the laying of a new layer of asphalt.

The Menorca Island Council’s Department of Mobility has begun work this week to improve the access road to Binibèquer Vell, through a collaboration agreement with the Sant Lluís Town Council and subsidised by the Secretary of State for Tourism with an adjudicated budget of 473,000 euros.

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Work begins to improve the access road to Binibèquer Vell

The planned actions consist of clearing the sides, improving the stretch of eroded ditches, improving the road surface in the most deteriorated areas, laying a new layer of asphalt with porphyry aggregate four centimetres thick and renewing the vertical signposting, with a completion period of 60 calendar days.

During the asphalting of the 2.2-kilometre stretch of road to be improved, the contractor, Antonio Gomila SA, requested that the work be carried out continuously, i.e. without a longitudinal joint, to reduce traffic disruption. However, it is expected that this reform will not be completed until the 9th of May, and therefore, in the mornings, traffic will not be able to pass through for safety reasons.