The Health Service and the College of Physicians extend the collaboration agreement for comprehensive help for doctors with a mental illness

May 7, 2024 | Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

It is aimed at doctors who suffer from an addiction or are at risk of suffering from one.

The Health Service has signed a collaboration agreement with the Official College of Doctors of the Balearic Islands (COMIB) to develop the Comprehensive Help Programme for Sick Doctors. The director general of the Health Service, Javier Ureña, and the president of the COMIB, Carles Recasens, signed the document.

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Health Service and the College of Physicians

This year, the Health Service has extended the collaboration agreement from €30,000 to €65,100 per year to cover behavioural disorders caused by serious mental illness, given the increase in the number of patients undergoing treatment. It should be noted that a total of 930 therapeutic sessions were held in 2023.

Through this programme, specific care and support is given to doctors who suffer from behavioural disorders due to the consumption of addictive substances or who are at risk of suffering from them, as well as behavioural disorders due to serious mental illness.

The objectives are to help as many professionals as possible who are in this situation, to ensure that they receive the necessary specialised assistance, to promote their rehabilitation as professionals and to guarantee that the practice of medicine is carried out in the best possible conditions for the health of patients. It should be borne in mind that addictions can temporarily incapacitate professionals to practice properly.

The assistance is mainly aimed at professionals with three basic health problems: alcoholism, dependence on other drugs (including psychotropic drugs) and mental disorders. Interventions consist of medical visits for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up; individual, group and family psychological therapies, analytical and toxicological controls and psychopharmacological controls. In addition, these professionals need specialised medical care in conditions of absolute confidentiality to detect cases and establish appropriate comprehensive care.