Inca promotes the proper use of electric scooters with a control and awareness campaign

May 11, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

 - During the first quarter of the year, more than 60 complaints have been filed against drivers of personal mobility vehicles.

 - In January the new municipal traffic ordinance came into force, which establishes the rules for scooters in the city.

Inca promotes the proper use of electric scooters

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During the first quarter of the year, Inca City Council and the local police have developed a specific campaign to control and ensure the proper use of electric scooters. This initiative has been carried out coinciding with the entry into force of the new municipal traffic ordinance.

A total of 61 complaints were filed during the campaign. “The aim of the campaign is to raise awareness of the importance of making good use of personal mobility vehicles, especially scooters, to ensure optimal coexistence with pedestrians, as well as to publicise the new changes that have been applied to the regulations,” says the mayor, Virgilio Moreno.

More than half of the fines were for driving without wearing a helmet. Other important reasons for the fines are not wearing a reflective waistcoat, driving in areas where personal mobility vehicles are not allowed or not respecting road safety regulations. In this regard, it should be noted that the new ordinance establishes that it is compulsory to wear a reflective waistcoat, to wear a helmet and to have civil liability insurance if riding a scooter.

“The scooter is a means of transport that is increasingly used in cities. For this reason, we have considered it appropriate to promote this campaign and work resolutely to ensure that the current regulations are respected and, at the same time, to ensure the safety of citizens,” said the Councillor for Public Safety, Antonia Triguero.