The Consell de Mallorca approves a call for subsidies for microenterprises, agrarian societies and for-profit organisations

May 11, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Post, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The beneficiaries will be those projects whose aim is the promotion of the local product.

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A call for subsidies for microenterprises, agrarian societies and for-profit organisations

The Consell de Mallorca’s Department of Economic Promotion and Local Development has approved a call for subsidies for micro-enterprises, agricultural processing companies and profit-making entities for an amount of 300,000 euros.

The aim of the call is for the Consell to finance, in whole or in part, those projects that are carried out between 1 January and 31 December 2024 and whose purpose is to promote the product of Mallorca through events, fairs, tastings, talks, meetings, campaigns, conferences or any other act of a similar nature that contributes to publicising the local product.

The main novelty this year is that they have been divided into three different calls for proposals aimed at promoting local products, instead of a single call for proposals, as was the case in the previous term of office. Two more calls for proposals are expected to be approved in the coming weeks, one for local councils and a third for cooperatives and non-profit making associations.

In this sense, the Councillor for Economic Promotion and Local Development, Pilar Amate, explained that distributing the grants in three different calls for proposals ‘will allow us to be much more efficient and agile when awarding grants to beneficiaries and we will be able to award 100 per cent of the amounts foreseen in each of the lines’.

‘After meeting with all the entities, companies and potential recipients of these subsidies, we have come to the conclusion that by differentiating each of the subsidies, we will be much more effective and, therefore, we see it as more feasible to meet our objective of awarding the total amount of the subsidies’, explained Pilar Amate.

The main new features of the grants

One of the main new features of the call for applications is the reduction in the deadline for submitting applications, from 30 to 20 days, which will speed up processing and allow the grant to be awarded in the summer months (not at the end of the year as in previous years), thereby providing greater legal certainty to beneficiaries, who will know more in advance if they will be granted funding to carry out their projects.

In addition, the minimum scores for the selection of subsidised projects have been eliminated in order to widen the range of possible beneficiaries.

Likewise, this call for proposals will be able to subsidise projects that are carried out outside the island, to promote the consumption and recognition of our local product beyond the island’s territory, thus encouraging the commercial expansion of Mallorcan companies.

Also to guarantee the economic viability of the eligible project, subsidies will be granted for the total eligible amount requested and not by percentages as in the past, although the maximum limit of 30,000 euros per beneficiary is maintained to ensure the diversification of the amount of the call.

Finally, it is established that the justification period will be 30 days from the date of publication of the grant for projects carried out in the first half of the year and 30 days from the end of the project for those carried out in the second half of the year after the publication of the grant agreement.