Agriculture, Fisheries and the Environment make a new payment of more than 1.6 million euros to the primary sector of the Balearic Islands

May 13, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Post, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The payments made by FOGAIBA include more than half a million euros from the call for aid for the promotion of indigenous breeds.
The Balearic Islands Agricultural and Fisheries Guarantee Fund (FOGAIBA), part of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and the Environment, reports that in recent days it has made a new payment of more than 1.6 million euros to the agricultural, livestock and fisheries sector of the Balearic Islands. In total, between aid from the Rural Development Programme (RDP), aid from the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF), the files for the storm Juliette and pending payments of aid from the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), a total of 1,608,106.59 euros has been injected into the sector. In this regard, councillor Joan Simonet says that ‘it is important to note that we have already begun to resolve the files of the call for agri-environmental aid 2023 and that we will not stop this pace because we know that the sector needs liquidity and all the resources available as soon as possible’.

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Agriculture, Fisheries and the Environment

In detail, of the RDP aid, a total of 225 files have been resolved, 204 of which correspond to aid for the promotion of native breeds in danger of extinction. In total, the beneficiaries have received 574,820 euros. Another line that has received payment of the subsidy is that for investments in agricultural holdings (INEA): 29 dossiers have been resolved with a total of 718,687.50 euros.

A further payment of 189,569.34 euros has also been made under the aid scheme to alleviate the effects of the storm Juliette on olive and carob groves.

With regard to aid from the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF), a total of 23 applications for aid for the temporary cessation of fishing activity for the 2022 fishing year have been resolved, to the value of more than sixty thousand euros.

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