Inca celebrates International Museum Day

May 13, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

- The Footwear and Industry Museum promotes a special programme of activities, especially dedicated to Education and Research.

13/05/2024. The Museum of Footwear and Industry of Inca celebrates International Museum Day, which is commemorated every 18th of May, with a wide and varied programme of events. This year, the slogan proposed by the International Council of Museums (ICOM) is Museums for Education and Research.

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International Museum Day

“This year we want to highlight the important work carried out by the Museu del Calçat i la Indústria with activities for all audiences. As always, our main objective is to extend the Museum’s activities to the general public, in a wide range of areas”, emphasises the councillor responsible for Museums, Andreu Caballero.

Thus, the special programme for International Museum Day begins on Wednesday, 15 May, with the start of the Conversations in the Museum programme. The first activity in this cycle will be devoted to the Can Melis archive, on which the Museum has carried out important cataloguing work over the last few months, and will serve to inaugurate the new Coffee Corner, a new meeting point in the museum.

On 18 May, International Museum Day, a big family party will be held with a visit by the giants of the Inca and a series of workshops and family games with recycled materials, as 17 May is also World Recycling Day.

The programme continues on 21 May with a round table on the decolonial and gender perspective in the museum sphere, promoting dialogue and reflection on a highly topical subject, with top-level speakers such as Irene Pomar, a technician at the Prado Museum.

Finally, on the 23rd and 24th of May, the Footwear and Industry Museum will be holding a day of open ports and will be inaugurating the Museum’s new Research and Conservation Space, with a working day with the team of archaeologists who manage the archaeological remains found in the Sant Francesc neighbourhood in the Museum.