Interior approves special plan for Operation Crossing the Strait 2024

May 13, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Forecasts indicate that the number of vehicles and passengers will increase by 6 and 4 per cent respectively compared to 2023, when 3.2 million people and 775,000 cars crossed the Strait of Gibraltar.

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Special Plan for Operation Crossing the Strait 2024

Meeting of the State Committee for Coordination and Management of Operation Crossing the Strait 2024Meeting of the State Committee for Coordination and Management of Operation Crossing the Strait 2024.

The Undersecretary of the Ministry of the Interior, Susana Crisóstomo, accompanied by the Director General of Civil Protection and Emergencies, Virginia Barcones, chaired the meeting of the State Coordination and Management Committee (CECOD) of Operation Crossing the Strait (OPE) 2024, which will run from 13 June to 15 September.

The meeting culminated in the approval of the Special Plan for the OPE, which will facilitate a ‘swift and effective’ response to the demand for services and infrastructures involved in Operation Crossing the Strait, ‘the largest movement of people and vehicles by sea in Europe and, possibly, in the world’, highlighted the undersecretary of the Ministry of the Interior during her speech.

Operation Crossing the Strait of Gibraltar has been in place since 1986 and manages the outward and return transit of North Africans who travel from various European countries to North Africa during the summer season.