The Consell de Mallorca will reduce the island’s tourist bed capacity ceiling to 412,000 beds

May 13, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Post, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

President Llorenç Galmés has announced a modification of the PIAT which, for the first time, contemplates a reduction in the ceiling of bed places.

The Consell de Mallorca will reduce the island’s current ceiling of tourist places by 4.2%. Specifically, it will go from the current 430,000 to a total of 412,000, of which some 308,000 belong to the hotel sector and the remaining 104,000 to holiday rentals. This was stated this Friday at a press conference by the president of the Consell de Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés, who appeared accompanied by the councillor for Tourism, José Marcial Rodríguez Díaz.

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Consell de Mallorca will reduce the island’s tourist bed capacity ceiling to 412,000 beds

During his speech, Galmés acknowledged that ‘one of the main challenges to be managed in Mallorca are the tourist flows’, which is why he advocated adopting ‘courageous measures’ to avoid ‘putting the coexistence between residents and tourists at risk’.

For this reason, the president of the Consell has announced that it will be ‘the first time in history that a decision has been taken to reduce the maximum number of tourist places’. ‘After eight years of a left-wing pact with an excessive growth in the number of tourist places, we must opt for containment,’ he added.

Along these lines, Galmés announced that a modification of the Plan de Intervención de Ámbitos Turísticos (PIAT) will also be undertaken, which will lead the island to maintain its competitiveness while maintaining the key to the productivity of its offer.

Finally, both Galmés and Rodríguez revealed that, at the same time, they will continue to protect and guarantee the legal security of all legal supply in the tourism sector, which means at the same time fighting against illegal supply, whatever type it is and whatever sector it operates in. ‘We will not tire of pursuing those who do not comply with the rules, and at the same time we will work to adopt all the necessary measures to ensure that our tourism offer continues to be a world reference,’ said Rodríguez.