Convivèxit reinforces its prevention and intervention work in schools to improve the quality of coexistence

May 14, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Institute for Coexistence and School Success presents its report for the 2022/2023 academic year.

The Conselleria d’Educació i Universitats has initiated meetings to guarantee the presence of psychologists in schools.

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Convivèxit reinforces its prevention and intervention work in schools

The Institute for Coexistence and School Success (Convivèxit) of the Regional Ministry of Education and Universities has published its report for the 2022/2023 academic year, which details the work of prevention and intervention in accompanying schools in their process of improving the quality of coexistence and coeducation, with special attention to the emotional well-being and mental health of students and teaching staff.

The report for the 2022/2023 academic year shows that Convivèixt has managed a total of 1,210 requests for advice in the Balearic Islands, a much higher figure than in the 2021/2022 academic year, during which 554 requests for advice were received. By islands, Mallorca has handled the most requests, with 948, followed by Ibiza and Formentera with 188 requests and Menorca, with 74 requests. By type, most of the complaints are for self-harming behaviour, followed by alleged harassment and gender violence. This increase in the number of cases has grown exponentially throughout Spain.

The Convivèxit report shows the increase in cases and the Regional Ministry of Education and Universities has initiated a series of meetings with the Official College of Psychologists of the Balearic Islands (COPIB) to ensure the presence of psychologists in schools and to attend to the needs of students and teachers. This measure forms part of the Inter-institutional Strategic Plan for Mental Health, coordinated by the Regional Ministries of Health, Education and Universities, and Families and Social Affairs.


Convivèxit implemented the protocol for prevention, detection and action in the face of male violence in schools in the 2022/2023 academic year. This protocol was sent to all the centres in the Balearic Islands and several meetings were held to publicise it.

Thus, as of January 2023, 89 protocols have been opened in the schools of the Balearic Islands, with 73 in Mallorca, 5 in Menorca, 10 in Ibiza and 1 in Formentera.

With regard to the action protocol, in the event of self-harm risk detected in educational centres, the report states that it has become evident that the protocol facilitates referrals and coordination with the Child and Adolescent Suicide Care and Prevention teams and other mental health care services. Furthermore, in the centres where there were cases of greater risk and vulnerability, Convivèxit has organised 56 participative and experiential workshops on emotional wellbeing, promotion of good treatment and group cohesion, with a session of accompaniment and advice for the teaching staff of the educational centre.

In the 2022/2023 school year, the increase in the incidence of mental health problems in minors has become evident and that mental health in childhood and adolescence requires specialised attention, care and accompaniment. Thus, in the 2022/2023 school year, 672 protocols were opened, compared to the 414 that were opened in the 2021/2022 school year.

It was found that of the 672 cases registered, 50% of the protocols were opened in secondary schools, 30% in subsidised schools, 16% in pre-schools and primary schools, and 1% in art schools and vocational training centres. It should be borne in mind that during the 2022-2023 academic year there were 70,209 students enrolled in primary education, 50,754 in secondary education, 13,523 students in baccalaureate, and 2,054 in basic vocational training. With a total of 136,540 pupils, the prevalence of emotional distress is 0.5%.

In addition to the assistance received from health services through the protocol, support has been provided to 51 minors and their families, as well as in educational centres, through the collaboration agreement between the Regional Ministry of Education and Universities and the Official College of Psychology of the Balearic Islands (COPIB), signed on 22 February 2023, framed within the Emotional Well-being Plan of the MEFP (Ministry of Education and Vocational Training).

Emotional Well-being of the MEFP (Ministry of Education and Vocational Training).

In addition, 43 educational centres in the Balearic Islands participated in the PROCARE initiative, which consisted of the promotion of coping and emotional management strategies for vulnerable adolescents aged 12 to 18 at risk of suffering emotional problems. It was carried out thanks to the Agreement signed on 13 March 2023 between the Regional Ministry of Education and Universities and the University of Jaén. The action consisted of offering a total of 8 online and group sessions to young people detected at risk.

Regarding bullying cases, during the academic year 2022-2023, 713 protocols for the prevention, detection and intervention of bullying have been opened, of which 384 (54%) were assessed as bullying, which means a prevalence of bullying of 0.28%. During the academic year 2021/2022 there were 106 protocols assessed as bullying.

The report states that with the notification and activation of the protocol for the prevention, detection and intervention of bullying and cyberbullying, which was developed in 2016, 46% of the cases have been resolved positively.

It should be noted that we participated in the study led by Mª José Díaz Aguado of the Preventive Psychology Unit of the Complutense University of Madrid on bullying and cyberbullying in Spain in childhood and adolescence, obtaining data on the current situation in the autonomous community of the Balearic Islands very much in line with those obtained at the national level.

Finally, during the 2022/2023 academic year, 78 protocols for the accompaniment of trans students have been activated.

With these data, Convivèxit will continue to adopt a proactive perspective, accompanying the centres in the task of preventing violence, risk behaviours and situations, and in the construction of safe and protective environments. In the academic year 2024-2025 the figure of the welfare and protection coordinator will be implemented in all the educational centres. This figure and the task he or she performs can be key in promoting spaces for the good treatment and well-being of children and adolescents.