The government agrees with the trade unions on the EBAP training offer for the first time since 2015

May 15, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Post, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Councillor Estarellas today chaired the joint commission that approved both the Catalan language training plan and the offer aimed at CAIB staff.

The Joint Commission for Occupational Training for the Public Administration of the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands was constituted this Tuesday, for the first time since 2015, to approve the training offer of the Balearic School of Public Administration (EBAP) for the second half of the year 2024, which will have a budget of 393,653 euros. This marks a turning point, as it is the first time, after the last two legislatures, that this commission has met. This is in line with the Govern de les Illes Balears’ desire to promote transparency and strengthen social dialogue, ensuring the active participation of all the actors involved in the training process with a view to continuous improvement.

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Agrees with the trade unions on the EBAP training offer for the first time since 2015

The joint commission, chaired by the councillor for the Presidency and Public Administrations, Antònia Estarellas, was attended, on behalf of the Govern, by the director general of Public Administration, Antoni Mesquida; the manager of the EBAP, Violeta Rodríguez, and representatives of this school, Ib-Salut and the Ministry of Education and Universities. On the social side, the trade unions CCOO, UGT, CSIF, STEI, SIMEBAL and FSES were represented.

First of all, the EBAP 2024 Catalan Language Training Plan was approved, aimed at staff of the regional administration and other public administrations, which will have 875 places and a budget of 146,888 euros. The course will begin at the end of September and will last until the second half of May 2025.

As for the training offer for CAIB administration staff, it has 4,400 places, distributed among the four islands, and a budget of 246,765 euros.

The 2024 Training Plan is articulated through training actions that will be mainly aimed at contributing to meeting the priority training needs of the Autonomous Administration for the development of the professional skills of public employees and their professional careers, responding to the demands of the different administrative units to improve the quality of the service provided, promoting collaborative work and everything that favours the transfer of knowledge in the workplace and supporting the promotion of the digital transformation of public administrations and the improvement of the digital skills of public employees.

New actions

To achieve these objectives, new actions will be launched, such as the promotion of a new programme based on the accompaniment of work teams to improve cohesion and performance, the creation of training pills as a new resource for the acquisition of knowledge in a specific subject or the organisation of a series of annual congresses to promote the evaluation of public policies within our autonomous community.

The training offer will include a General Training Plan, with 2,548 places, structured in training areas and aimed at all staff of the Autonomous Community Administration, with the main objective of favouring professional development and updating knowledge, and a Sectoral Training Plan, with 1,662 places, the basis of which is strategic training for the job. This sectoral plan includes courses aimed at public employees who have been assigned specific functions and those who work in places related to specific areas of activity and who require specific training.

A Management Training and Accreditation Plan will also be implemented, with 190 places, to acquire advanced management skills, or skills in people leadership, detection and action in cases of harassment or training and accreditation of mentors, among other knowledge.