Manacor Hospital has created forty-eight new jobs during 2024

Jun 3, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The 2023 Activity Report and the Hospital’s Master Plan have been presented to the Citizen Participation Commission.

During the first five months of this year, Manacor Hospital has created a total of forty-eight new jobs in the categories of palliative care specialists, physiotherapists, nurses, obstetric and gynaecological nurses (midwives), auxiliary nursing care technicians and administrative assistants. As a result, the current workforce has grown to 1,425 professionals.

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Manacor Hospital

This was explained today by the Hospital’s manager, Ignasi Casas, accompanied by his management team, at the meeting of the Citizen Participation Commission. The meeting was also attended by the director general of the Health Service, Javier Ureña, and the mayors and health delegates of the town councils in the Hospital’s area of influence were also invited to attend. Also in attendance were the manager of Primary Care in Mallorca, Carlos Raduán, and the manager of 061, Eloy Villalba.

The director general, Javier Ureña, thanked the hospital’s professionals for their constant dedication, ‘because behind the summary of a year’s work, there is a lot of effort, many hours dedicated to improvement by all the professionals in all areas, healthcare, management and administration’.

The Hospital’s management team also presented the state of the works of the Master Plan, as a result of which the hospital surface area will be doubled. In this regard, the consultation and cabinet building will be completed next year. This new outpatient building will be connected to the current hospital and will house the rehabilitation and haemodialysis services, outpatient consultations and examination rooms as well as the medical-oncology day hospital on the third floor, which will be connected to the current hospital. It will cover a total area of 21,273 m2 and will have two basements with 280 spaces. It has also been reported that work is being carried out at the same time on the industrial building and a new floor for the surgical and obstetric block.

In 2023, Manacor Hospital attended 83,540 emergencies, while 48,864 first consultations, 161,467 second consultations and 10,741 cabinet consultations were recorded.