The Xarxa de Biblioteques de Menorca and Hauser & Wirth are organising a reading club for this summer on the King’s Island

Jun 3, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

It will consist of three sessions dedicated to Emily Dickinson, Anne Carson and Clarice Lispector.

The Xarxa de Biblioteques de Menorca and the Hauser & Wirth art gallery are launching a new collaboration this summer with the joint organisation of a reading club that will take place this summer on the Isla del Rey.

This initiative is inspired by the connections and literary references in the work of Roni Horn, one of the two artists featured in this year’s Hauser & Wirth exhibitions in Menorca.

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The Xarxa de Biblioteques de Menorca and Hauser & Wirth are organising a reading club for this summer

This club will have three sessions, which will begin with a guided tour of the exhibition, followed by a dialogue led by Jara Sánchez Bennásar, an English language teacher, relating the chosen titles to the artistic exhibition and sharing ideas about them.

The first of the sessions will take place on 11 July with Emily Dickinson as the protagonist and the book ‘Poems and Letters 1-600’ (2023), a critical and annotated edition based on the author’s original manuscripts, which have often been censored and modified.

The second session of the book club, which will take place on 8 August, will be devoted to Anne Carson and her book ‘Running Water’ (2000), which bears witness to the author’s extraordinary imagination, exploring the limits of language and literary form.

Clarice Lispector and ‘Agua Viva’ (1973) will be the protagonists of the third and last meeting of this book club on 4 September. An emotionally powerful, philosophical and innovative author and work about the nature of life and time.

The meetings will take place at the Isla del Rey, at 19.15 h. and will be free of charge. Users of the Xarxa de Biblioteques de Menorca who want to participate in any of the sessions will have to register and book the boat ticket on the Hauser & Wirth website. This ticket will cost 10 euros and will include the return trip, as well as the visit to the exhibition.

Hauser & Wirth is making 15 copies of each of the selected works available to all registered participants. To borrow one, you must go to any of the libraries of the Xarxa de Biblioteques de Menorca.