The Council of Mallorca buys the house annexed to the Museum of Muro to extend and reform it

Jun 4, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Post, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The president of the island institution, Llorenç Galmés, has signed the transaction with the owners.

The Council of Mallorca buys the house annexed to the Museum of Muro to extend and reform it. The president of the island institution, Llorenç Galmés, has today signed the transaction with the owners, although the formalities began on 31 August 2023.

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The house annexed to the Museum of Muro to extend and reform it

The aim of this purchase, which has cost almost 300,000 euros, is to expand the ethnological section of the Museu de Muro, so that it will have a visitable warehouse and a multi-purpose space. President Galmés stressed that ‘this is a great opportunity to expand the cultural offerings of Mallorca and Muro, and to protect the most emblematic elements of the island’s traditions’.

The signing ceremony was attended by the president of the Mallorca Council, Llorenç Galmés, accompanied by the vice-president and councillor of Culture and Heritage, Antònia Roca, and the councillor of Finance and Public Function, Rafel Bosch. Joan Esteve Juliá and Maria Juliá attended on behalf of the owners, as did the mayor of Muro Town Hall, Miquel Porquer.

In the Museum of Muro you can find all kinds of agricultural and kitchen implements and all kinds of furniture. In short, says the president, ‘all the elements of the Mallorcan rural tradition’.

The building purchased by the Consell de Mallorca, attached to the Museum of Muro, has some 300 square metres and two floors. This space will also be used to store all of the museum’s pieces while the comprehensive refurbishment is being carried out, which is scheduled to begin in the coming months and is expected to last about two years.