The Govern presents a tool that allows local police to scan vehicles in the event of a serious traffic accident

Jun 4, 2024 | Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Director General of Emergencies and the Interior unveiled the details of the application during a regional conference on accident investigation.

The director general of Emergencies and Interior, Sebastià Sureda, today chaired the Autonomous Technical Conference on the Investigation of Traffic Accidents using the EDR (Event Data Recorder) system, which took place at Casa Esment and during which a demonstration was given of the application protocol of the CrashScan tool, recently acquired by the Public Safety Institute of the Balearic Islands (ISPIB) for the professional scanning of data from vehicles involved in accidents.

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A tool that allows local police to scan vehicles in the event of a serious traffic accident

The Govern de les Illes Balears, through the ISPIB, acquired at the end of 2023 the application and three devices for downloading the information, which remain at the disposal of the local police of Mallorca, Menorca and Pitiusas, with a total investment of about 6,000 €. This application allows a reading of the ‘black box’ or EDR with which are equipped newly manufactured vehicles that have suffered an accident with serious or very serious consequences within the urban core.

This application provides a detailed real-time analysis report based on information extracted from the vehicle and other crash data. It provides data on the moments prior to the accident, the severity of the collision, the risk of injury based on biomechanical criteria and key information for the investigation and complete reconstruction of the accident.

The Director General of Emergencies and the Interior explained that ‘the Balearic Islands government is committed to the safety of people. That is why we have made this investment with the intention of making this tool, which is already used by the municipalities of Manacor and Felanitx, available to all the local police forces on the islands, which are responsible for accidents occurring within the urban area’.

The conference, organised by the ISPIB, was attended by 88 local police officers from the Balearic Islands, including 69 from Mallorca, six from Menorca, nine from Ibiza and four from Formentera. Also in attendance as speakers were Adela Jiménez-Villarejo, chief coordinator of the Balearic Road Safety Prosecutor’s Office, Miguel Nuevo de la Torre, the Balearic Road Safety Prosecutor, and Joan Antoni Miralles, sub-inspector of the Manacor Local Police, who led a practical session on the use of extraction devices.

The aim of today’s session was to familiarise the officers with the operation of this application, which will enable the local police of the Balearic Islands to use it in the event of a very serious accident for the subsequent investigation of the accident and its reconstruction. The Balearic Road Safety Prosecutor’s Office also addressed the issue of European regulations on EDR incident data recordings, as well as the regulations and criminal legislation on this type of application.